Our Responsible Travel Manifesto: What We Stand For

Responsible traveler's manifesto

We believe our mindset, choices, and purchases can have a major impact when we travel. Here’s how we can ensure that our impact is a positive one.

Travel compass

01. Be curious

Travel is a huge opportunity to learn – about the places we visit, and about ourselves. Let’s meet the locals, ask questions, and keep our eyes and our minds open to new perspectives and ways of life. 

Cultural dress robe

02. Appreciate, but don’t appropriate

We approach local customs and traditions not as a novelty, but as an important part of the local heritage. When we take part, we make sure to do it with the goal of learning and understanding.

Backpack with surfboard and hat

03. Travel wiser

We respect the local laws and customs. We avoid putting ourselves in danger. And if something bad does happen, we do our best not to be burden on the local health system (hint: this is why we always consider travel insurance).


04. Be respectful

We learn the local etiquette and avoid causing offense through our words or actions. We respect elders. We know how to dress and behave at religious sites. We ask before taking photos. We always remember we are a guest in someone else’s home.

Village huts

05. Seek connection

We make an effort to be more than a spectator. This means engaging with the local community. Learning a few words of the local language. Taking a cooking class or a dance lesson. And remembering that a smile goes a long way.

Plant growing above books

06. Take it slow

While it’s tempting to see as much as possible, we understand slowing down and spending a longer time in one town or region lets us really get under the skin of a place. Slow travel is more sustainable, too.

World globe

07. Don’t endanger or exploit

We avoid any activity that treats people as a tourist attraction. We steer clear of wildlife experiences where animals are forced to interact with people. And we seek out operators that are committed to ethical practices (operators that don’t exploit their workers, flout environmental laws and regulations, or mistreat animals).


08. Tread lightly

If we think a destination is amazing, let’s help ensure future generations can experience it too. Make sustainable choices whenever possible, from our accommodations to our tour operator to our sunscreen.

Market stall selling fruit

09. Buy locally and responsibly

Many places rely heavily on tourism to keep their economies strong. Let’s make sure our dollars go to support local communities instead of conglomerates. Hire local guides, eat in locally owned restaurants, and shop at local stores and markets. Spending locally isn’t just helpful, it’s fun!

Open hand with heart

10. Give back

If we can give a little back to the places we visit, we do so – it’s amazing how far those few dollars can go. Microdonations through World Nomads’ Footprints Network have funded more than 270 projects globally. Consider donating next time you buy a policy.

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