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To reduce avoidable blindness and visual impairment in the Far Western Development Region of Nepal
It is estimated that 90% of Nepal’s blind population live in rural remote Nepal and 80% of these cases are avoidable. In addition, children represent 43% of the regional population. The vast majority of Nepal’s rural population have no access to eye health care.
The Far West Development region of Nepal covers an area of 19,539 square km and a population of approximately 3 million people. It is the least developed region in Nepal as a result of its isolation at the extreme west of the country. The region has limited access to basic services and increasing services is challenging due to the difficult topography.
Within the Far West Development Region, eye care services and health in general are limited mostly to the urban areas.
Geta Eye Hospital, situated in the Kailali district is the only service provider of the 9 district region. Seven of these districts are hilly with poor transportation and other infrastructure facilities. Remote villages of
these districts are quite far away which takes about 1 to 5 days of trek- king from the nearest road head.
Retaining adequate eye health staff remains a challenge in this region. Of 147 Ophthalmologists, only 4 are located in the Far Western Development Region, even though approximately 11% of the population live here.
Helping People See:
Number of people trained:
Other achievements:
82-year-old Lakpa Tamang had been blind in both eyes for several years. When we first met him, he had walked for hours to get to the outreach camp north of Kathmandu. Like many of the patients he was barefoot and in tattered clothes.
Lakpa was lucky enough to be operated on by world-renowned surgeon, Dr Ruit, who removed his cataracts quickly.
Two days later, Lakpa’s life is transformed. He’s given new clothes and his patches are taken off. He looks around the beautiful temple in amazement.
The prospect of walking back home to his village without help puts Lakpa into a wonderful grin. He can’t wait to see his grandchildren.
The Fred Hollows Foundation will continue to work with our partners into 2015. The overarching Regional Eye Care Project in Nepal will continue to focus on building capacity and increasing service coverage beyond urban centres.
This year our work in Nepal is:
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