CARE will work with 20,000 women from 1,000 village savings and loans groups in Lilongwe, Dowa and Kasungu Districts, to overcome chronic hunger by expanding their farms or micro-businesses. It will facilitate women’s access to finance, training and markets.
A total of
(100% funded)
to help reduce
In Malawi, food insecurity is caused by drought and poor irrigation systems, over-cultivation of land, and a lack of access to credit and training for farmers. Women are particularly affected – they produce seventy percent of household food but have less access to and control over their level of agricultural education, credit and improved technologies than that of men.
The key challenges in extending and expanding financial services to women in Malawi include lack of financial literacy, limited use of technology, lack of loan capital and lack of support in accessing markets. When financial literacy is improved for these women and they are linked to financial services and institutions, this leads to an increase in their overall income and wellbeing which in turn extends to the improvement of their family’s nutrition, healthcare and education.
To enable poor rural households in Lilongwe, Dowa and Kasungu Districts in Malawi to overcome chronic food insecurity through improving financial literacy, CARE Australia aims to achieve the following outcomes:
In this reporting period, the project carried out a series of trainings in finance education, mobile network technology and business management. Project staff and women who have participated in CARE’s Village Savings and Loans Associations for more than two years and who are ready to expand their small farm and micro-business enterprises took part in the training. To date, over 15, 840 Village Savings Loans members have benefited from this project.
Training in financial literacy
Linking Village Saving Loan Associations to banks
Identification of mobile operators in the area
Develop and air three community radio programs
Gender based violence reflection meetings
Training of Village Agents in mobile money technology and bank operations
Training of VSLAs groups in business management
CARE Australia routinely assesses the progress on all areas of the Financial Literacy (Malawi Microfinance) project and reports regularly to assist in making recommendations on any areas requiring improvement and adjustment.
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