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This 25 minute documentary film was made by Trent O'Donnell for the Positive Footprints series about his experience on the Kiwanje Ndege School. Join 16 travellers as they head into the heart of Kenya to give their time to build vital infra-structure to aid in the education and sustainability of this remote community.
Positive Footprints - Kenya from WorldNomads on Vimeo.
The World Expeditions community project travel trip to Kenya in September 2007 to carry out this project was highly successful. Here is a report from Clive Dougherty, World Expeditions Operations Manager, Kenya...
"The school kids and teachers were initially curious about us but soon came out of their shells and a genuine friendship developed between the school children, teachers and the trek participants. There was one deaf child at the school and the participants are looking into providing a hearing aid for her. This means that longer term communication with the school will continue long after the event by the participants.
Over the 4 days the 17 participants split into 2-3 work parties and set about the tasks to do.
(Update posted 24 September 2007)
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