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Project Impact

  • About 2809 (1064 women, 1745 girls) accessed the reusable sanitary kits and
  • 54 Village Health Team members were oriented and trained on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM)
  • 7 radio talk shows on MHM were conducted in two districts of reaching thousands of listeners across the districts.
  • Drama sessions were conducted to increase the level of knowledge on MHM, attitude change and practices among women, men, boys and girls; a total of 210 girls and 175 boys were trained on MHM (puberty, menstruation, hygiene during periods, hygienic and non-hygienic materials used, and health risks associated with poor menstrual hygiene and use of un-hygienic menstrual pads, the menstrual cycle, school sanitation in relation to MHM, myths and culture on MHM). This is aimed at equipping them with the knowledge to demand for their rights and practice good hygiene.
  • 600 female and 407 male were reached through drama and dialogues in one of the districts. This builds the capacity of communities to support girls and women during menstruation and also increase on the knowledge on MHM plus improving on the bad practices during menstruation among women and girls.
  • 33 teachers trained on MHM, teachers cascade information and offer support to other pupils to improve their menstrual hygiene standards and attitudes towards menstruation.
  • school health clubs were monitored and given support in terms of roles and need to have systems in each school for sustainability. This enables students to implement action plans developed on MHM and other health issues.
  • Review meetings were conducted with stakeholders (head teachers, girls and boys, Village health team members (VHTs), Health workers, political leaders, men and women in order to review progress against output delivery, quality and sustainability.
  • 25 AFRIpads dealers were recruited and trained on MHM, Entrepreneurship skills and development, Record-keeping, Business management, Marketing Basics, and the Product knowledge in Abia sub-county Alebtong district.

As part of the program cycle, Plan is looking for mechanisms to create sustainability and for the community to own the project.

What's next? 

In FY15 the project activities are being expanded to another district. The focus of the year will look at establishing mechanisms to improve sustainability – e.g. through working with local health district authorities – so that when funding ceases the program continues.

Can I visit this project? 

No. It is not feasible to visit this project.

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