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to help improve
Food Security
Sri Lanka
It may be more than half a decade since the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war, but the twenty six year long conflict has left many open wounds. Inequality, marginalisation and discrimination remain prevalent as do low income levels and high food prices, making it hard for affected communities to survive. These communities often resort to strategies that compound their poverty such as going into debt to pay for their daily expenses.
Oxfam started working in Sri Lanka in 1982 and today, with your support, their work focuses on empowering active citizens to realise their rights, gender equality, peace building and ensuring marginalised communities can make a living and have enough food to eat.
Through their 34 local partners, Oxfam has undertaken a wide range of activities to help empower local communities in selected villages across eleven districts of Sri Lanka. This includes enhancing environmentally sustainable agricultural productivity; supporting the establishment of small scale enterprises; strengthening relationships between communities, government service providers and the private sector; enhancing women’s leadership and decision making power.
There is a lot to celebrate in this report with families increasing the amount of food they grow, the money they earn and their knowledge of their rights. With your support Oxfam and their partners have continued to work alongside the people of Sri Lanka to bring about a just future without poverty.
Oxfam targeted achieving three main goals to ensure improved food security and sustainable livelihood options for vulnerable men and women. The first goal was to increase food security with improved nutritional food intake. The second focused on increasing income and access to resources and increasing control over resources and decision making by targeted women. The third was to improve the standard of living through productive and essential infrastructure.
The project’s work in sustainable livelihoods and food security saw many great outcomes including:
Oxfam has also been successful in engaging the Sri Lankan government to replicate food security projects to ensure sustainability for the future. Recently, Oxfam and its partners developed a number of programs with government institutions including a memorandum of understanding signed with the District Secretary of Hambantota to expand the eco friendly home gardening and paddy cultivation program in three District Secretariat divisions. Under this program, the District Secretary’s development officers were trained in eco friendly agricultural systems and they have established 160 home garden models in 44 villages within six months.
Oxfam's work in Kegalle District also influenced the Agrarian Services Department to expand eco friendly paddy cultivation with 2,000 farmers. In Ampara, Oxfam and partners trained 60 Agriculture Instructors of the Department of Agriculture, who established 35 models of System of Rice Intensification in the last Maha Season. Crop cut surveys conducted by the Department in those models show an increase of paddy harvest from 60 – 80 bushels per acre to 85 – 120 bushels. The Department of Agriculture has started to expand the program with 128 farmers in the next season using its extension services and resources. Oxfam is also supporting the Northern Province Agriculture Department in developing a 5-year plan for promoting eco friendly agriculture in the province.
Due to it's success so far the program will continue in the future.
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