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Plan International is working in 15 villages in Rakhine state to provide poor and disadvantaged children aged birth to 8 years with access to quality early learning services, and to prepare older children for school through our primary school transition program.
With your support we have been working with children, their parents, early learning centre caregivers and primary school teachers to increase their skills and knowledge to strengthen the support for child wellbeing – so children have a better start to life.
A community effort for the development of children
Tae Mauk Village is located in Sar Pyin Village Tract, north-west to Toungup Town, Rakhine State
The Early Childhood Centred Development (ECCD) project has focused on promoting parents’ behaviour change and developed parents and caregivers’ awareness and knowledge in supporting children’s wellbeing (growth, development, and learning and protection); strengthened caregiver’s attitudes, beliefs, and practices in relation to caring for children; and motivated community members to work as a team to address community issues that affect children.
The village leader, Maung Pu Lay who has been taking a leadership role in the Early Childhood Centred Development activities said, “We attended the management training and we became aware of our problems”.
“We also learned the importance of early years in a child’s life and their development needs.”
He continued, “When the community is committed to ECCD work, a community space like an ECCD centre in the village becomes crucial. We had community meetings at night to discuss about how to contribute to having a space like this for our children. More important is the parents groups learning and modelling their child care practices. These activities will change the future of our children.”
"When I saw children happily singing songs and learning through play in the ECCD centre that we all have built together, I was filled with tears. Those were tears of joy. I am sure many people in my village feel the same. We had many challenges but we can overcome these. Now, children receive proper care.
“This is what we did together for the children in our village, for their future, for our future.” Maung Pu Lay said.
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