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Viet Nam
This project promoted education for children aged 0-8 years and targeted specific communes in particularly disadvantaged and mountainous districts so the Bahnar ethic minority communities can learn in their mother tongue. This early childhood development and stimulation helped children transition to Vietnamese in readiness for school so that they don’t feel isolated and left behind when they move to a primary school.
As a mother in a remote community in Vietnam, providing your child with a fair start in life can be challenging. Dinh Thi Tiep is the mother of 5 year old Thuan who now attends a child play and reading group.
“In previous times, my son used to only play with me at home and be very shy and timid with strangers or in crowded places. He often hid behind me and kept silent whenever someone talked to him.”
“I was very worried and didn’t know how to make him more confident”
But she took her little boy to the project’s play and reading group over a year ago where he began playing games, listening to storytelling, singing, painting, drawing, reading poetry, and playing with other children.
He became more and more confident.
His mother says, “He enjoys fun with others… I feel very happy when my son changes every day. He even sings a song wherever he is now”.
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