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While Cambodia has made remarkable progress in expanding access and improving the quality of its basic education, fundamental gaps in provision remain, particularly in early childhood care and education.
Currently, 77.1% of Cambodian children aged 3 to 4 do not have access to early childhood education due to a lack of preschool facilities. If unaddressed, this can have far-reaching consequences: children who lack access to early childhood education services, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, will face lower school readiness, leading to lower student achievement, increased probability of dropout, and a decline in overall educational quality.
In the more than 137 villages along the Tonle Sap River and Tonle Sap Lake in Kampong Chhnang and Pursat provinces, there is a high incidence of poor quality education services, high malnutrition rates, and low access to and poor quality of health services, water and sanitation.
With the funds from Footprints the Early Childhood Care for Floating Villages Save the Children were able to:
Construction of the onshore and floating village classrooms will be finalised early 2018. The working designs for these buildings are below:
Onshore Classroom
Offshore Classroom
Community support is growing with the success of the at home and community based education programs we are running so far. This support will ensure that once the construction is finished lessons can begin immediately in the classrooms with a high number of students.
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