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The Australian Himalayan Foundation’s first Teacher Training & Quality Education (TTQE) program was inspired by the work of Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trust that has benefited the Everest (Khumbu) district of Nepal since 1961. In 2005, the Australian Himalayan Foundation first started working with local Nepalese NGO, REED (Rural Education & Environmental Development) to develop a program to improve the quality of education in the Everest district.
Nepal faces large disparities in literacy rates between urban and rural areas, with urban areas recording literacy rates of approximately 73%, but only reaching 43% on average in rural areas. In addition, teachers in rural Nepal receive little or no training and regularly resort to basic rote-learning methods. As a result, attendance rates by teachers and students alike are poor, and schools are very inadequately resourced. These conditions mean that in rural Nepal today, many children do not attend primary school regularly and less than half of the children enrolled in primary school go on to complete secondary school.
The TTQE program aims to reduce poverty and provide livelihood opportunities through a number of key objectives focused on ensuring that disadvantaged communities in the Lower Solu Khumbu receive a quality education. These are:
In the year 2016-17, we trained 1417 teachers with 76% of teachers attending the training this financial year. We also provided teaching and learning materials to 215 different schools in the remote Solukhumbu region. The program saw an increase in retention of children in schools with 93.8% of children retained in 2016-17.
During the year the following training was delivered:
During the year, we focused on a number of key areas to strengthen the Teacher Training and Quality Education program and its educational outcomes. These included:
As we look to the year ahead, we will continue to focus on our priority areas of social inclusion, special needs and disability awareness, early literacy development and a whole of community approach to child-centred education.
The TTQE program now operates in every single district and reaches every single school in the lower Solukhumbu region. This achievement is part of a fifteen-year vision the AHF has for the region - one aimed squarely at improving the quality of and the access to a life changing education.
One of only two teacher training programs formally accredited by the Nepal Department of Education, the fifteen-year old TTQE program has been described as one of the most comprehensive training programs undertaken in rural Nepal. The program aims to help over 42,000 children and 1,700 teachers in over 300 schools resulting in:
We are extremely proud to have reached such outcomes with the support of World Nomads and The Footprints Network. Your assistance has made these achievements possible, and we are immensely grateful for such a partnership.
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