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Water & Sanitation
Residents of the Brahmaputra River Basin, in the north-eastern Indian state of Assam, face some of the greatest challenges of any community living in India. Many live in absolute poverty without basic human necessities such as food, safe drinking water, health, education and shelter. Compounding these problems is the frequent flooding which occurs in the region and sets communities back even further.
Floods and other flood-related hazards have reduced the overall socio-economic development and exacerbated existing vulnerabilities within the region. Recurrent flooding has led to higher levels of poverty and hunger, and negatively impacted the social cohesion of the community. This causes a vicious cycle of increasing vulnerabilities of communities on account of their declining socio-economic conditions.
This Oxfam Project works to improve the lives of affected communities in Assam with a focus on water, sanitation and hygiene and sustainable food. The project is improving the community’s access to clean water and food and preparedness for disasters including flooding.
Working with four local partners in five districts of Assam, Oxfam aims:
Since its launch, the programme has seen an increased emphasis on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) by raising awareness of its importance; developing community-based capacity in DRR initiatives; and promoting disaster preparedness.
Funding from The Footprints Network has contributed towards the following project outcomes:
1. To improve food security and support the livelihood of residents
2. To substantially improve access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene knowledge
3. To increase the capability of communities to anticipate and prepare for natural disasters through knowledge, awareness and training
4. To strengthen government engagement and ensure that government response to disasters is inclusive of local communities
Mrs. Anumai Bordoloi (pictured above), is a 47 year old women. She lives in Katahjari village and is illiterate. Her husband is 59 and they have an 18 year old daughter and a 20 year old son. Their village is in a very risky area during the flood season and she is from a poor family. Her husband is a wage labourer, meaning their income is not reliable and it is hard to find labour work in nearby areas. So, sometimes, Mrs. Anumai works in neighbour's houses.
Earlier, Mrs. Anumai knew of eri worms but due to lack of resources she stopped trying to grow them. Our partner connected with her and provided eri worms, ongoing support from the sericulture department and taught her how to grow food for the eri worms during the flood time.
Now she is so happy that she was able to get started with sericulture again with support from her children. She now has a successful small business and knows how to make the most of it.
Thank you so much for your support. You have made this life-saving work possible.
This project will continue until 2020 and will produce ongoing benefits for the affected communities both in terms of their ability to provide for themselves and weather the effects of flooding.
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