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“We ended up servicing two communities - Chenga (2500 occupants) and Balason (3500) occupants. We visited the communities for a week, administering first aid and supporting the chiropractors from Murdoch University. Our focus was children but we also treated a number of adults.

We were extremely busy, doing at least 11 hours a day on site, treating all sorts of conditions. There were a lot of kids needing to be de-wormed, lots of dysentery, eye infections, ear infections, rashes, ... it was really full on. We also managed to refer dozens of children to hospital who were suffering suspected conditions beyond our scope of treatment. Conditions such as HIV, TB, Malaria, Cholera, Hepatitis and Syphilis.

At the end of the week I purchased an incredible quantity of supplies for the doctor who visits the communities weekly. It is absolutely amazing how cheap medical supplies are over here! 300 Panadol tablets for about $6!!! In the end I bought huge amounts of the supplies as originally outlined and there was money left over to buy other essentials – de-worming tabs, cough syrup, syringes, even four pairs of crutches. I expect that it will last the communities for at least a year.

The people were very, very grateful.”


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