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Established in 2005, the Australian Himalayan Foundation’s flagship Teacher Training and Quality Education (TTQE) project is helping to ensure that children living in one of the poorest regions of Nepal have access to inclusive, high quality primary education for improved opportunities now and into the future.
A range of activities designed to identify and address the needs of the school community are being implemented, including: teacher training; literacy programs; parent volunteer opportunities; facilitating school representatives in planning and milestone setting; support to child-led clubs; and providing materials for classroom and school upgrades.
TTQE focuses on developing schools in the Solukhumbu district of Nepal to become models of excellence (“Namuna” schools) with quality teachers and educational resources which provide safe and supportive learning environments.
Following an evaluation and project redesign process, 2018/2019 was the first year of a new three-year project phase. The key achievements that year included:
By supporting AHF’s Teacher Training and Quality Education (TTQE) Project, Footprints donors helped create a significant impact on local communities in Nepal. Below are some of the ways your donations were spent.
The delivery of the TTQE program was impacted by COVID-19 but in 2019/2020 Footprints donations, in conjunction with funding from private donors and the Australian government, helped achieve the following significant outcomes:
TTQE is an ongoing project based in Solukhumbu Nepal.
AHF can make special arrangements for supported visits to projects depending on the current priorities and resources of our NGO partner and the schools at the time.
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