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The Australian Himalayan Foundation works in partnership with the people of the Himalaya to help the most disadvantaged meet their priority needs through integrated improvements in education, health and the environment.
Established in 2005, AHF’s flagship Teacher Training and Quality Inclusive Education (TTQIE) project is helping to ensure that children living in one of the poorest regions of Nepal have access to inclusive, high-quality education. AHF works with its partner REED Nepal to improve opportunities through education.
The project includes a range of activities including: teacher training; literacy programs; parent volunteer opportunities; support to child-led clubs; and providing materials for classroom and school upgrades.
Without access to quality education, children in remote communities like the Everest region of Nepal are deprived of essential life skills and knowledge gained from education. For these children, even to complete primary school is a significant achievement. Every year of schooling has a tangible and measurable academic outcome, influences future earnings, and offers protection from child labor, early marriage and human trafficking. A key part of our work is focused on addressing gender equality, disability inclusion and child safeguarding.
TTQIE focuses on developing schools in the Solukhumbu district of Nepal to become centres of excellence (Namuna schools) with quality teachers and educational resources which provide safe and supportive learning environments.
The project goal is to achieve inclusive and quality education for all children in TTQIE schools in Solukhumbu, including during emergencies, along with key activities that will support:
The target indicators for the project include 100% of TTQIE schools average learning achievements exceeding the national averages for grades 1-3 in numeracy and literature; grade 3 reading proficiency and grades 4-8 STEM subjects, by the end of the project. In addition:
The new education project will pay particular attention to promoting gender equality and equity, as well as improving child safeguarding, and preventing gender-based violence (GBV) and youth suicide
The delivery of the TTQE program was impacted through COVID-19 but in 2020/2021, your donation, in conjunction with funding from private donors and the Australian government helped achieve the following significant outcomes:
All activities undertaken worked towards four key objectives:
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