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to help improve
Water & Sanitation
Papua New Guinea
Access to safe drinking water and sanitation are human rights, essential for life, health, dignity, empowerment and prosperity. WaterAid embraces the principles of equality and non-discrimination to ensure universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene. Recognising gender-based inequalities that prevent women and girls from enjoying their right to water and sanitation on an equal basis to men and boys, WaterAid works to strengthen systems that contribute to broader gender equality and social inclusion.
The project recognises government as a critical change agent and has been working with them to design and implement a water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) plan that reflects their priorities, capacity development needs and service delivery approaches. WaterAid has also been supporting government and partners to implement a gender action plan. that seeks to empower women as leaders in the sector and support people with disabilities to have greater voice in decision making.
The project promotes a learning orientated approach to monitoring and performance. Lessons and insights have informed course corrections, guided project direction and been shared with sector stakeholders to influence implementation of the PNG National WASH Policy.
Ms. Sandra is a primary school teacher and was elected as the women representative of her village. In her community, men are always the spokespeople and dominate discussion. There was a need for women’s voices to be heard in the community. Through Healthy Islands training, men are beginning to understand and appreciate the roles of women in the community.
Ms. Sandra raised the concern, on behalf of women in her community, that the river they live along and depend on for all household activities is now heavy polluted. They have no toilets. Women in the village face difficulty in collecting water for cooking and drinking. It is also a burden to take their kids to the nearest aid post for treatment of water related diseases.
As she is now a representative on the Health & Hygiene Committee, she can speak freely in her community to address women issues during community meetings. She looks forward to working with her fellow women and men to make their village healthier and take ownership of the WASH services that will be implemented in her village.
The project will continue to support improved, equitable and inclusive WASH service delivery for Wewak District, East Sepik Province, as well as empowering women and people with disabilities. This will be achieved through support for the creation of, and effective participation in, decision-making fora associated with WASH service delivery, with the following expected results:
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