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Footprints made a significant funding contribution to this extensive educational training project. It covered three workshop sessions in two locations, supporting over 536 teachers from more than 100 schools.
This was the first Primary teacher training course ever held at Sotang and was attended by 298 teachers from 65 schools in the region.
The ten-day intensive course was held between 17th December 2008 and 6th January 2009. It included three resource staff from the District Education Office in Salleri who walked for several days to attend the workshop.
Sotang is south east of the Khumbu (Everest), a region that is in dire need of educational support.
The main aim of this basic course was to strengthen the teaching skills and morale of primary teachers to improve the child-centered quality education in the Sotang base 65 Schools.
The main themes of the primary teacher training were
Over 93 percent of course participants evaluated this basic course as being good or excellent and the rest suggested there were some areas in need of improvement. the most popular subjects were Brain gym exercise, practice of class songs, organization and management of classroom, subject wise materials development, active reading, learning styles (learning intelligences) and music.
Note: many teachers were untrained and newly appointed by the District Education Office to the training courses.
In addition to the Primary Teacher training program expansion into the Sotang region (outlined above), REED continues to conduct annual teacher refresher programs in the Khumbu (Everest) region.
This refresher Teacher Training workshop was for people who had previously attended the Primary Training. It was held from 7th to 12th December 2008 in Salleri, Nepal.
This year it was attended by 156 teachers from 38 schools from throughout the Solukhumbu.
The main aim of this course was to strengthen the teaching skills and morale of primary teachers to improve the child-centered quality education in Solukhumbu primary schools.
Specific objectives were:
The themes of the workshops were :
This refresher workshop was held between 12th to 24th April 2009, at Chaurikharka & Kharikhola and was attended by 82 primary school teachers.
The aim of this course was to strengthen the teaching skills and morale of primary teachers to improve the child-centered quality education in the Khumbu primary schools.
The themes of the workshops were
Comments were very positive and participants really appreciated the training. Four Volunteer Teachers from Australia and Switzerland added a different positive dimension. Two of these volunteers had huge strength in creative language techniques.
Jim Strang, a New Zealand teacher who was instrumental in establishing in 1998 the Teacher Training program run by Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trust is the project coordinator. On the ground the operation is managed by REED (Rural Education and Environmental Development), a Nepalese NGO based in Kathmandu who have worked with Jim from the outset. A further dimension to the project is the contribution of a select team of volunteer teachers.
During its development the program has
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