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The Australian Himalayan Foundation 2006 phase Key Teacher Training project in the Solu Khumbu region of Nepal was completed, highly successfully, in December 2006, with the invaluable support of the donors to the Footprints program.

Under the program, the AHF coordinator, Jim Strang, and the two volunteer teacher trainers, Ruth Luthi and Jeanine Gibby, and other trainers, trained 16 key teachers (to be teacher trainers and on-going mentors themselves) for the subsequent Refresher Training workshops and follow-up work throughout 2007.


The Key Teacher Training - “trainer training” – program, which then lead to the training of more than 200 teachers from over 70 primary schools in this remote and very poor region, greatly improves and extends – through better teaching and learning – the education of more than 4,000 students.

Specifically, the Key Teacher course was again vital in providing on-going local capacity to train, mentor and supervise teachers, through courses and on-going monitoring and mentoring visits to schools.


This year, several specific outcomes were:

  • Teambuilding, leadership, use of teaching materials and strategies, demonstration lesson guidelines, and “checklist and feedback” training were all conducted.
  • Children from local schools visited and enabled Key teachers to practice various skills and new teaching strategies introduced during the training, so they can better train teachers.

Other items included;

  • Problem-solving
  • Adult learning principles
  • In-school support activities
  • And child-centred methodologies.


The coordinator of the Program, Jim Strang, has reported from Nepal that the program this year was “very successful” and emphasised the strong need to continue the program for at least another three years to develop a strong local support base, with on-going training and in-school support for Key Teachers to enable this to continue.

(Update posted 12 Sept 2007)

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