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Over the past year, Save the Children’s Youth Program in Kununurra has strengthened the existing programs and created exciting new projects. Glam Girls, an educational and recreational program for female youth, and Kid's Rock, a music program for male youth, have continued to provide opportunities for local young people to gain new skills in a positive group environment. The Waringarri Chilling Space, an evening drop-in centre for local at-risk youth, has quickly become a popular engagement activity.
Glam Girls has met regularly, every Wednesday evening, over the past year. With 10 - 20 attending (aged between 12 and 17), it has provided an effective opportunity for the participants to learn about and discuss important issues such as health, nutrition and fitness; sexual health awareness; self esteem and personal development; and group engagement and leadership skills. There has also been the opportunity to expand into other areas – including regular cane-toad-busting sessions!
Kid's Rock has also continued to regularly engage local male youth through music. With guitars, drums and microphones, and capable musical mentors coming in from the community, Kid's Rock participants have worked hard to build up their musical repertoire. Over the past year, they have had several performances, with some big events coming up in the near future. Through this program, participants have developed not only musical skills, but also developed greater self-confidence, team-work and leadership abilities, and developed positive relationships with other participants and mentors from the community.
A year ago, in consultation with the local community, Save the Children established the Waringarri Chilling Space. Open five nights per week from 5.30pm to 9.00pm, it is designed as a safe space for local youth that is free from violence, alcohol and other substances. The centre initially received about 20 local youths each evening, aged between 5 and 17 years old. However, that number quickly expanded – and the centre now regularly receives between 30 and 70 youths each evening. The space is staffed by Indigenous staff and local volunteers, encouraging participants to develop positive relationships with these older mentors. There is a range of activities available, including dancing and music; laptop and desktop computers (equipped with internet and games); and table tennis and table soccer. Other regular activities include art and painting; cooking and related nutrition education; outdoor sporting activities (even through the wet season!); reading; playing games; and, of course, many shoulder rides. When staffing permits, smaller groups of kids are taken out for rides – especially for toad-busting. At the end of each evening, staff drive the kids home. This program enables Save the Children to provide a safe space for local youth as an alternative to the unsafe practice of roaming local streets at night. Staff are often able to identify children who require a little extra assistance – including helping the child and his or her parent to visit the local health service to follow up on any health concerns.
It has been an exciting year within the Youth Program – with high levels of meaningful engagement with local Indigenous youth. Save the Children has a great team of indigenous staff members building positive relationships with program participants, mentoring and guiding these future leaders of the community. The result has been the positive and regular engagement and support of local youth, and in so doing, helps them develop the confidence and skills to choose their own future.
Save the Children will continue to run all these programs. In particular, staff are keen to expand a camp program with Waringarri Chilling Space participants, with a particular focus on cultural education and activities, and on developing relationships between the participants and elders of the community. Save the Children will continue to find ways to support staff, strengthen existing programs, and find new ways to reach out to local indigenous youth in a positive and effective way.
There are opportunities to see some of Save the Children’s positive work – for example, at public performances of Kid's Rock. You can also visit Save the Children’s office in Kununurra to further discuss some of our local youth projects.
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