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The funding received from the Footprints program is integrated into our 3-year quality education program in the Sotang district. The 3rd year of the program was conducted from November 2010 to September 2011. It forms part of an ambitious program to improve the education of the vast Solu Khumbu region of Nepal with over 47,000 children, nearly 1500 teachers in 267 schools that extend from the impoverished foothills to the base of Mt Everest.
The Teacher Training program is helping to improve the education of 11,941 children, 379 teachers in 70 schools in the Sotang district, which is part of the Solu Khumbu region. Unlike its more prosperous Sherpa communities that live beneath of the shadow of Everest, Sotang is in dire need of support. Educational facilities are basic with some schools accommodating over 100 children in one classroom, where teachers have little or no training and where children regard textbooks as a luxury. It is therefore not surprising that educational outcomes are among the lowest in Nepal.
There have been significant ongoing challenges in improving the level of teacher training in rural communities. These include:
Activities in Sotang provide part of an overall 9-year program in the Solu Khumbu region. In November 2011 the program expanded to its 2nd 3-year program cycle into the nearby district of Nele with 10,606 children, 282 teachers in 53 schools. However to ensure the sustainability of the program and improve educational standards further refresher training and key teacher training workshops will continue and further educational resources supplied to the Sotang district.
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