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PeAk is a small organisation striving to improve primary school education and implementing solar/alternative technologies in the Kumaon Himalayan region (India). In 2013 peAk, funded by the World Nomads Footprints program, provided educational resources in the area.
This project supplied the Khati ‘library’ - that educates approximately 55 primary school age children - with ample educational resources, provided for a community teacher and ensured that the twenty two children at Jatoli School (7km from Khati) have the educational resources necessary for the entire school year.
Furthermore, finances enabled the purchase of computers, printer and laminator for student and general community use.
This multi-faceted project required the usual patience and perseverance, though unlike prior projects, the actual implementation phase was the relatively easy part with the purchase phase proving time consuming. All items required came from as far a field as Australia, Delhi, Almora and Bageshwar (India), with the majority of purchases occurring in the latter two towns, thereby helping local economies. Some transactions - which were innumerable- required a cup of tea and a chat (a given) which makes business a pleasurable affair.
The overall success and subsequent educational outcomes have been exceptional.
Photo: Jatoli primary school 2014 with their new school satchels
Photo: Khati ‘library’ Winter 2014: testing the buchari stove
Photo: Khati: Nirmala & a new set of blocks - Grade 1.
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