Dress Codes for the UAE: What Can Travelers Wear Here?

When in the Emirates, do what the locals do and be respectful of the dress standards. Find out how to stay out of trouble with these tips to dress appropriately in the UAE.

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Dress codes for travelers in the UAE

The UAE is a Muslim country, and so there are expectations of how visitors should dress. For visitors that stay in resorts and hotels, the dress code is whatever you want to wear, but in areas where there are more local people, dress conservatively. There are also slightly different standards depending on which Emirate you find yourself in, in Dubai, the dress code is much more relaxed than in Sharjah or Ajman, for example.

There are guidelines setting out the dress code, and there are signs at the entrances to malls and hotels reminding visitors of the rules, in particular the covering of shoulders and knees, which goes for both men and women. Women should cover their hair when visiting a mosque and everyone should cover their arms and legs before entering a place of worship. Beach clothes should only be worn at the beach or pool.

What's acceptable dress in Dubai?

Even in Dubai, arguably the most relaxed Emirate, for both men and women, officially, it means covering the shoulders and the knees (and everything in between). Spaghetti straps will raise eyebrows, and in some places where the clientele is more local, you may get stopped by security and reminded to cover up.

You do not have to hide your figure, as you do in Iran, but tight-fitting clothing can still cause offense. That said, go to any of the popular weekend brunches, and you’d be forgiven for thinking you are in Europe during a heatwave. But then, these events are rarely attended by locals, nor Muslims.

All genders should keep sports clothes on the sports field, including cycling shorts (name me a culture where cycling shorts are NOT considered offensive!), but everyone understands that when you are walking home from the gym, you might be a little under-dressed.

At the hotel and resort beaches, but not all public beaches, women can wear bikinis, but going topless, even in private resorts, is not ok. Young children can wear whatever you want them to, but don't let them run around completely nude, for the sun alone, if nothing else.

While there is no law against this, try to avoid clothing with offensive slogans or symbols. Think carefully and conservatively about this one. 

What if my dress offends in Dubai?

If what you've chosen to wear doesn't quite meet the dress code, expect to be turned away at the entrance to a mall or a public building. An easy way around this is to carry a large, loose shirt, or a scarf in your bag to cover up what needs covering up at short notice.

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  • Ben Smart said

    I love these kind of articles about what to wear in Dubai. When i first arrived, i believed everything that was written about the place. Now as a resident, you see the real truth. Yes you do need to be respectful of the local culture, but walk around any mall and you will see all sorts. If you go to the one of the famous friday brunches, then you will see western women wearing the shortest skirts with the lowest cut tops and after a few drinks, even more! <br><br>I wear shorts and a polo shirt everyday. I have regular meetings with the locals and they have never bat an eyelid. Out in public and in non-tourist areas, just respect their culture and enjoy what is an incedible place. During holy periods though, be even more respectful though and dont ever be a typical drunken British person, this is rude the world over

  • PhilSylvester said

    Ben, thanks for your comment. We were not trying to tell people what to wear or not wear, simply pointing out there is a small but vocal section of Emirates society who would like to do exactly that. If their vocal protests continue to get the attention of law-makers it could be that visitors inadvertently get into hot water. We're just trying to inform people.
    Phil from the safety hub

  • Rose said

    Hi Ann,

    I would say you can wear running shorts (though I would avoid the tight cycling shorts style) or exercise pants and a t-shirt over a sports bra if you're going running, most people wouldn't judge if you wore a racer back top with the shoulders exposed (at least in Dubai, I probably wouldn't in the other emirates). And yeah, runners.

    Depends where you're running. If you're running on the street, as above, if you're running in a mixed gym, as above, if you are running a ladies gym, depending on the clientele you could possibly wear cycling shorts but really the biggest difference to the West is that I would advise against wearing just your sports bra.

    I grew up in the UAE (lived there for 16 years).


  • PhilSylvester said

    Good question Ann, I don't know the answer, so I've posted it for other travellers to see here:
    Hopefully we;ll get someone who can help.

  • Frustrated American said

    It annoys me when individuals then try and fail to turn the argument around and say that Muslim women in the West covering up is akin to Western women in the Middle East not. How is that a plausible argument? Covering up is a religious and cultural norm. Being half naked and skimpy isn't the religious code of any religion I know of. Even in the west, there's indecent exposure and basic nudity censorship for a reason. Give me a break -_-

    - FrustratedAmerican

  • JewishGirl Rachel said

    I completely agree with the UAE policy and with Frustrated American. Cliche's become cliche's for good reason. When in rome, do as the romans do. Their playground, their rules. If you chose to visit there, show some respect. Religious women in most cultures follow modest dress codes, whether by law or by choice.

  • Paul said

    Interesting read - both the story and comments.
    I see arab men wearing thawbs and think, "man, that looks comfortable and cool!" If I (being a western man from Canada) was to go to UAE and wear a thawb is that seen as "trying too hard" or disrespectful in any way?
    I might not wear any head-dress - just the thawb for comfort.
    Any comments or thoughts on this?

  • Charles said

    Yeesh, people, lighten up. When you travel to other places don't you try to immerse yourself and respect their culture? No one is demanding you wear black burlap sacs! It's just a helpful article for people who want know what to expect when traveling to UAE. I doubt an article on proper greetings and eating etiquette in China gets this much hate.

  • Eemeli said

    Im going to to Ras Al Khaimah to run half marathon. I can wear running shorts on the race, right? Cant i also run on shorts on the streets? Its hot and everything...

  • Rochelle baboolal said

    Can I wear shorts or skirts with Leggings/Jeggings? It's all covered up :-)

  • Katie said

    People who turn this into an anti-Islam thing are being silly. Other cultures have cultural expectations others might think are weird or inconvenient: eg. don't touch someone with your left hand, don't sit with your feet pointing at someone. Tonga is also very conservative, where everyone wears shorts and t-shirts whilst swimming (I saw local teens swimming in long denim shorts!) I hadn't packed appropriately but I chose not to alarm the locals or create a public spectacle by stepping out in my (relatively modest) one piece swimsuit. It was inconvenient but, you know what they say, when in Rome...

  • Igloo said

    To those whining about the 'dress code': it should be fairly obvious that the rules are extremely generous and designed to be very accommodating. For example the signs say cover your shoulders - and the picture clearly shows no problem with the upper arm being uncovered. also head coverings are not required. From an Islamic perspective this level of dress completely goes against the dress code and culture of the middle east. Yet, the Emiratis tolerate it.

    Also alcohol. Against the law for Muslims to drink and Emiratis themselves can be lashed for this. Yet non-Muslims are allowed.

    This allowance is not greed, it is a form of tolerance that comes from Shariah law and is unusual to westerners who are used to one law for all.

  • Chris said

    It's really quite simple, don't like the culture or the customs that they have... don't go. No one is forcing us to go to Muslim countries, that's a choice that we make for ourselves. Trying to make a stand or protest and start some sort of movement for customs that have taken place forever, are not gonna fly and you'll just wind up getting arrested and possibly deported...and guess what? Those customs and laws will still be here when you leave.

  • Karoline said

    I wouldn't visit a place with a strict dress code if I personally don't agree with it. I am undecided if dress codes are ever really necessary and concerned how nudity or the human form is always sexualised. I value freedom of expression including through fashions. If you don't agree with the rules or dress code you should not visit the place. It saddens me that in some cultures body shaming and oppression still exist but I fear it always will, especially where women are still considered as possessions and emotions such as jealousy and fear control behaviour. Judgement of ones sexual life choices should never be based on clothing but that is my opinion. I dream of a time when everyone has freedom of choice and freedom from judgement wherever they are. No matter how hard I think about it I still have no idea why it causes 'offence' to see someone else's body weather it be in clothes or not. I think it only offends because it is breaking a rule and people don't like (feel emotions) when they see someone break a rule. The question for me is why was the rule made in the first place? Was it to do good?? Or just restrict people's choices and control them?

  • Deanna said

    I found this article and the following comments very useful. As an American who likes to travel, I prefer the "when in Rome, do as the Romans" type of behavior. In America, we generally have a loose dress code so whatever people choose to wear, albeit as long as it's not too revealing, it's fine. A burka is fine. No matter what is worn, we are all subject to whatever security measures are in place wherever we go. I have no expectations that the same freedoms I have at home should extend beyond my borders and I'm happy to respectfully abide by the dress code/customs in foreign countries. Since my daughter will be attending school in Abu Dhabi, I hope this same respect for the local culture is something we've instilled in her!

  • Rachel said

    I'd love to agree with the “when in Rome, do as the romans do” thing, but it seems that this speech only applies to one side... Calling the police over a dress seems a bit... too much, to say the least.
    I would love to go to the Emirates and other Muslim countries, but I would like to go as myself, being able to wear the things I normally wear (its not like I have Janet Jackson wardrobe!) Because no one is saying “well, women in black from head to toe, if you don't what to take that off, don't travel to Europe!”. That would be insane, wouldn't it? These women are welcome to come and enjoy the world as they are. Asma said to a journalist "The way some people dress here is offensive to our beliefs". Well, how would you accept not wearing your headscarf in order to not offend mine?
    Hopefully I was raised under the belief that you cannot go around “doing to others what they do to you”. I don't mind if you come to Spain with a burqa. I will treat you like any tourist, and I'll surely not call the police on you, no matter how weird your choice of clothing may seem to me.
    In the end, I may be in disadvantage, but at least I know I'm a fair person.
    I guess it only shows that “tolerance” is still a huge concept for some.

  • René said

    Can't quote every single name so.

    I agree that when you're in Rome you have to act like Romans do. UAE people has the right to ask visitors to comply at least at minimum to UAE customs.

    But. Just like western people hasn't the right to diminish the religious customs of muslim visitors, muslim hasn't the right to diminish our, the westerns, customs and values.

    Indeed western women's dress code is not derived from religious customs. And so? It remains a sign of the western culture and customs. Culture which we westerns arrived after centuries of fights in the cultural academia, in the legislative system, in the field (how many people have died for the values of freedom, secularism, gender equality, women rights, for the freedom of the female body, for the males to hold responsibility of their instincts instead of blaming the women in the centuries? A lot.

    So to us western is not some whim if we, women and men alike, dress, outside job places or official and religious places, like we want, it's just an aspect of something more deep and valuable: our conquest of freedom and civil rights.

    We fought a lot for this. Women fight a lot fo this.

    Also the freedom women have in western countries doesn't arrive like a gift, they fought a lot. From the time when Elizabeth I give up her right to marry to rule England, to the women that were thrown in jail for fighting for equal rights, to the women that still fight t be treated really as equals

    That freedom, that civil rights that bring a lot of us westerns to oppose to politicians like Le Pen, Farage, Salvini, Trump that would like to destroy our values to follow racism, intolerance, prejudices.

    Regarding the veil, we don't see it as a matter of respect to women but as a sign of a religious custom, and we are against not the simple veil but to the full hiding dresses.

    And that's because of our history: in the 60's and 70's we have a lot of troubles with terrorist attacks from fa right and far left factions. To attack they were used to hide their faces.

    So we have laws that forbid any way of dressing that makes a face not easily recognisable, and it's a law that affects both men and women.

    Also, please don't use the racism card. It's a double edged weapon. Because not being a western doesn't imply being free of prejudices, intolerance, racism.

  • Opentoculture said

    Surely there is some sense in this somewhere, would you go to Holland or some states in America and smoke marajuana legally then accost the justice system if caught doing it illegally when back home because it was LEGAL there? I doubt it, women scoff at men who cat call or wolf whistle them in the street, usually because of the way they are dressed (trampish) in middle eastern culture it is customary to cover yourself and your body is for the intimate privacy of your spouse, how many teenage pregnancies happen in the middle east compared with the west? Why? Because we have lenient values when it comes to sexual activity, don't bring religion into this as in the bible it says though shalt not have sex before marriage yet I bet most of you reading this have, it is thier culture in thier country so respect what they ask you to do, if it makes you happy express your disconcerting in protest outside thier embassy in YOUR free country, however in thiers there will only be one winner and that's them and I for one am not gonna get a lashing!!!! I am British by the way and a non-Muslim but respect thier culture as I grew up in Saudi Arabia and am very used to thier traditions, and who are we to change that?

  • Joanne Davies said

    I have read the comments on here and am still bit confused about a female running in Dubai or RAK. I am hoping (weather permitting) to keep up my running whilst I work in the UAE. I will be aiming to run along the beach, esplanade, or in the mountains of RAK (I prefer off road), but It is still unclear as to whether I can run in my shorts and t shirt. I am a committed runner and would like to stay off the gym treadmill for as long as possible. What attire would be acceptable? What do the locals wear? I just don't want to get in to trouble for getting it wrong.

  • Carole Davis said

    You have got to be kidding. This article made me really mad. Not that I would ever visit such a place, but frankly, the article is sexist, oblivious and antisemitic.
    "Leave your I heart Tel Aviv T-shirt at home?" In order to not offend people? Really? Are you saying that everyone in the UAE is an anti-semite? If they don't like Tel Aviv, too bad!
    About the female modesty baloney, why would anyone care to respect people of a country where the penalty for homosexuality is life in prison or death? Who wants to be respectful of such a hateful culture? It's backward and barbaric. We women will wear what we want, anywhere, anytime. Get it?
    The United Arab Emirates includes the Emirates of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras al-Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Ajman, Fujairah and Sharjah. Sexual relations outside a traditional, heterosexual marriage are a crime. The death penalty applies for homosexuality. Punishments range from jail time, fines, deportation, and the death penalty. Adultery and fornication are also crimes, and a person convicted of homosexuality may also face charges of adultery if they have a spouse while having sexual relations with a person of the same sex. Homosexuals are strongly discouraged from traveling to the UAE including Dubai for any reason.

  • Jacky said

    Interestingly...as a western woman, here I am reading up on the Dubai dress code and thinking, great! I actually prefer this more modest dress code, and here is a place who won't think I'm too conservative for covering up! I guess I'm one of those western women who doesn't like showing too much, because I'm naturally a very shy person, and there is a certain pressure to expose oneself in hot weather when in a western country, which I don't really like.

    Yes, I might get a bit hotter covering up, but I'd rather be hotter and covered than cooler and exposed to people I don't know and don't care to be stared at by. Call me a prude, but I'm more comfortable dressing modestly.

  • A secret Muslim Girl That Doesn't Want To Wear. A Hijab said

    Now I'm not sure if I could leave the house without my hijab after puberty.... I don't really want to even wear it I feel like a girl should have freedom in choosing when to wear it! Not after having puberty it means wearing something that will suffocate you! Especially when you have sisters that are like "Hey your hair is showing cover up!" Or "How many times should I tell you not to make a pony tail your hair is showing now!" Like can't we have freedom to choose when to wear it in Dubai/ United Arab Emirates because I'm sick of wearing it and I feel like I'm too young to wear it now eventhough I'm 13 and I've passed puberty but! But I'm not happy wearing it... I feel like we should accept wearing it whenever we want! And not letting our parents decide please tell me that that's legal :( I really want to get rid of it... So if there's any answers for that then please tell me I'll be more than happy to see someone reading my opinion and also some people feel the same as me!

    -A Muslim Girl That Doesn't Want To Wear A Hijab At This Age (13-17)

  • Gillian said

    So, I read through the comments and I have several thoughts. First, I lived 2 years in the UAE, not in either Dubai or Abu Dhabi, but in Alain. If you do not abide by the Sharia law, you are 1) fired from your job, 2) deported within 24 hours, and/or 3) attacked. Okay, so I was all into "their" culture, the whole "When in Rome..." stuff. However, that is not how they behave when they are in OUR COUNTRIES. So, how can any of you support the double standard? That is just garbage. I am more than happy to adhere to their standards in THEIR country. I EXPECT the same RESPECT when they come to my country.

  • Robyn Melanie Jones said

    I don't wish to offend anyone, but it seems that there is a lot of hate in the comments.
    I would immerse myself in the culture of the uea and follow a dress code if it was given out and even if it wasn't. Cultures and people need to be respected.

  • Diane Miller said

    I am an African American woman who will be traveling to Dubai later this year. I am looking forward to learning, sharing and respecting the culture of the people. This is one of the main reasons I want to go, to exchange culture. My mother always taught me to respect other peoples' homes and I plan to do just that.

  • Rivka Sajida (Paige) said

    Ya Allahhhh... Oy vey...

    First off... Carole Davis... "Leave your 'I heart Tel Aviv' shirt at home (so as not to offend people" isn't an anti-Semitic statement. It's anti-Zionism. People in the Middle East are generally Semites. Speaking as a Jewish Muslim with a background in theology and anthropology... The argument between Jews and Muslims is like two brothers fighting. It's honestly ridiculous. But if you actually sit down with either side neither will come to the conclusion of "that religion is the reason". My Jordanian family realized this upon meeting me - Not all Jews are Zionists. Actually, a minority are. Most of us are appalled by how Israel treats Palestine. PS, the UN has classified Israel's actions as terrorism. Don't get me wrong. I would love to visit Israel, as one of the Chosen People i'm supposed to and it's even my right - I get a free trip once in my lifetime (actually, I think I may be too old for that now...). But the way Israel has handled the entire situation with Palestine is deplorable. Three religions have claim to holy cities in that area. There is NO REASON why we can't get along, cooperate, and share. Unfortunately, Zionist ideals have been making that impossible.

    To the people saying "When you are in the US, dress to our customs!"... Which customs would that be? The Native Peoples' customs? The "melting pot of America" customs? Or Western, white customs? America does not have one custom of dress. We pride ourselves on our mix of cultures and ideals. In America you can see a girl in short shorts, a man in a turban (Sheiki religion, by the way), a woman in a sari in a bindi, a man in a suit and tie, a woman in full black abaya and niqab, and a guy in tie-dye and flip flops all in one place (the Arch in St. Louis is a great example of being able to see all of these things. Or the air show.). Anyone saying that Muslims should "adhere to our culture" is unfortunately ignorant of what actually comprises US culture. Western culture, on the other hand, is a different story, but let us be reminded that it's not the law.

    Third and final point... the law.

    This modesty mandate is LAW in the UAE. It's not like Saudi where even visitors must wear abayat and hijab, they are simply asking one to cover the shoulders and knees. I really don't understand why this is too much to ask. You aren't being asked to compromise your morality, just wear a tee-shirt and jeans. Don't you normally do this anyway? That's how most of the people around here dress, and i'm in the US. The issue in other countries, about banning hijab and niqab, it's not about culture. The issue is that people come to these Western countries because we have certain inalienable rights afforded us. In the US, the First Amendment protects freedom of religion. By banning religious garb such as the hijab, niqab, or abaya, you are taking away part of that religious freedom, which is why it's such a big deal. Now, Islam says to follow the law of the land you are in (which is, in part, why Muslim countries try to be accommodating to those People of the Book - Jews, Christians, Sabians, and a few others - who have different dress codes and religious laws). So obviously I wouldn't move to France because i wouldn't be able to practice my religion freely. But the reason it's a problem is there were already Muslims living in that land and their freedoms got taken away (by the way, Jews are effected by this as well, because Jewish women cover their hair and men wear kippah or yarmulkas and those are also illegal in France in government buildings). That is why people are fighting it and protesting it - because it wasn't a matter of "just don't visit", it's a matter of having to leave your HOME in order to practice your religion freely.

    I really hope that maybe this post helps open some peoples' eyes...

  • terrill snead said

    Leave for Dubai in a week. As an American who travels a lot, we Americans are so arrogant and entitled. The difference between us and them is our dress code is a custom or trend while theirs is law. Breaking the law is breaking the law regardless of where you are from. If they are breaking the laws of the US by what they are wearing they will be arrested, the same as you will in their country. What is so hard to understand? So are laws are more liberal. Im sure there are Americans who wish are dress code laws who more strict and vice versa. Hell we elected DT, right now I don't think we can criticize any country. We are the laughing stock of the world. Wear what you want within the law or prepare to be arrested here or abroad.

  • Athena said

    I am a westerner and I am offended by women of the Muslim faith covering themselves from head to toe when they live in the West. Having said that, I would not dream of wearing western clothing on a visit to an Arab country. I think it's a matter of manners and class. Shame on any western tourist female or male, who does not honour the dress code of their host country. When we visit a country, we are a guest and we must not offend our hosts by being rude!

  • blueblip said

    @Athena: As someone who was born and raised in the UAE, yeah...the "dress code" here is actually handled more as a suggestion rather than as a law. No seriously - I've spent most of my 33 years in Dubai, and the vast majority of my time here has been spent wearing shorts of varying length, even though the law does say that men have to wear knee length at minimum.

    My wife wears shorts here, and no one bats an eyelid. I've seen more women than I can count wearing hot pants/short shorts/mini-skirts my whole life, and no one has ever been arrested for it. Back in high school, we our girl friends used to leave their homes in more conservative clothing ('conservative' varying according to nationality and one's home's mores), and then immediately changing into something "more comfortable" before heading to a party etc etc.

    The Dubai police turn a blind eye to clothes, and will only act when a local actually complains, which is an extremely rare thing to happen - it's akin to someone in the US lodging a complaint about the neighbours being noisy. Yes, the police will come down and have a word with you, but they aren't going to arrest you or anything unless you argue.

  • Ruth said

    You can't compare requiring someone to cover their shoulders to the Burka ban. I've never seen someone wear less for religious reasons. Religion is part of culture and the culture of Europe and the US is freedom of religion which means allowing people to freely practice their religion which includes religious dress. The ban was nothing but a way to make discrimination illegal.

    If anyone in the US was walking down the street nude in front of everyone, kids included, people would riot in the streets if he wasn't arrested. This is no different, its just that the definition of nude is different as its a different culture.

    If you break a US Law in the US you'll be arrested. If you break a UAE law in the UAE you'll also be arrested. This isn't rocket science. If you don't like it, don't visit.

  • Rick said

    Why don't people understand that covering ones face for any reason in western culture is offensive? Covering hair fine. Covering eyes with shades is fine. Covering all but the eyes is not. Its reminiscent of bank robbers and terrorists (not muslim-only terrorists).
    Something does not have to be religious to be an important and intrinsic cultural value. The equality of genders under law, ie feminism or secular humanism, or liberal christianity, whatever you want to call it, is far deeper and more important to many of us than religious garb. It is a fundamental belief that we fought for, cherish, and protect.
    For those who cant imagine anyone wearing less for a religious reason, many neo pagans in the west practice religious ceremony nude or very little, both genders together, as part of connecting with nature and respect of earth. Not all religion sexualises the human body. Mostly just the Abrahamic ones that have also come to dominate the last couple thousand years. And Christianity had to go through the dark ages, renaissance and enlightenment to get to the more liberal version of itself, (though in the US we also have a bunch of fundamentalists.)

  • terry michaels said

    I started reading these contributions but became so frustrated at the illiteracy of so many of them I simply gave up.

  • Lucy said

    As a USA citizen (American) I find it shameful that an American would not research the culture before arriving so as to not offend the country they are visiting. I am very modest and never wear sleeveless, low cut, short shorts or anything that shows parts that should not be showing. My shorts are to my knees. Some people believe the world revolves around them and they have no respect for other people and cultures. So, I also believe that someone from another country trying to bestow their beliefs on Americans is wrong also. So, when visiting another country, do your research and respect their beliefs and customs. It is respectful and your duty as a representative from your country.

  • Lucy said

    @terrillsnead...the only reason we are a laughing stock is because all the democraps...are screaming because Billary the liar and her cheating husband are not in the WH...when our country becomes strong again...no one will be laughing...our ability to take care of ourselves is how we became great...when outsourcing started, we started depending on other countries and DT (as you called him) who is actually Mr. President to those who show respect, is determined to make the USA independent again, by using our labor and employing legal USA citizens again...you are a moron and are a stereotypical example of a democrapic lunatic who speaks gibberish! President Obama did nothing for this country in the eight years he was prez except divide us. I did not like him nor did I vote for him but out of respect, I did address him as Mr. President...so, out of respect please address (DT) as Mr. President.

  • Yonica said

    Reading through all the comments, i see there are alot of mixed feelings, I am from South Africa myself, And will be moving to Dubai, city unknown for now, but I have done some research, But as the comments above, I see that the feelings are mixed.
    For me personally, Even in my country, I have never liked wearing "exposed" clothing, It's a personal choice iv'e made, with no one's influence, besides the fact that I don't feel comfortable in public in shorts, sleeveless tops or even a short skirt/dress.
    My question is thus, As someone who prefers to have her shoulders covered, and wearing long pants, will I be fine as is? As I'm moving there I do not wish to offend anyone, as I understand that you have to respect a country's culture/religion etc, and I am more than happy to oblige.

  • Andy said

    Too all those using the laws of another country as undertone of hatred towards another religion - get a life you egit!

  • Dinco said

    This is not a problem of tourism or respecting a country and its culture. This is not a problem about being a Muslim either. The problem here is, if a woman cant wear a "T-shirt with strappy shoulders" on a bloody summer day and has to sweat her ass off, then i say the hell with that culture. Hiding behind culture for things that make your life miserable shouldnt be tolerable.
    I will never respect ignorance, just because its a rooted law inside a culture.
    Religions and cultures should be open to modernization and change.
    I am Turkish btw.

  • Sarah said

    I am a non-muslim, non-christian woman that lives in the United States, state of CA. CA is a very liberal place. I have a question and some comments to make, respectfully. My question is if I must wear a hijab when visiting a middle eastern fashion store. Although I am not muslim, I think abayas and muslim fashion in general is beautiful. I would like to enter the store and buy some clothing for myself, but I do not want to offend the store owners or anyone inside of it. What should I do?

    Now, about the article above, I would like to say that I think the sexualization of the female body is a bad thing. I see no problems with being modest or being naked. This is a choice everyone should have. However, this problem comes afloat because our bodies are seen as objects of desire. On one side you must cover yourself to prevent this desire, to be honorable and to be modest. On the other side you follow the trends and willingly make yourself an object of desire, to please those who look at you. Personal choice for women almost seems undermined, either way. I speak of this with hypocrisy because I care how people look at me and I want to be desired in a way, but I don't want to be objectified. I don't wear shorts, or V-necks but also not clothing that covers all of my body. Maybe a bellow the knee length skirt and a blouse that shows my arms. About choice, I think it is important to care not to offend, as people are guests in their country. At the same time, we should treat guests with flexibility because they are people, and people is different. Respect is important above all, no matter what is done. You can not demand respect you are not willing to give.

  • Steve said

    To sum up, the main plank of the argument is that the western democracies do not enforce dress codes by any law. However, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, the US would do well to consider such a move. Please go onto YouTube and watch any of the "visitors to Walmart" sites. You will be appalled at what a minority of shoppers wear (or don't wear). In the UK we have women shoppers who get out of bed, drop off the children for school then go shopping while they are still wearing their night attire. Gross!!!

    Similarly, I detest men wearing baggy sleeveless t-shirts (vests) that expose stinking sweaty armpits to everyone.

    Western tourists should show respect for other cultures. What is so abhorrent in hot climates in wearing cool thin cotton skirts, ladies, rather than the more restrictive shorts. But, irrespective of what you choose to wear, don't argue when confronted. It just a pity that Middle Eastern visitors to the UK don't adopt our customs when hiding their faces. Do these visitors never stop to reflect upon the fact that they are not faced with similar restrictions in their choice of dress?

    Two unrelated points.

    First, Americans, please drop this idealistic nonsense of the "American Dream" whereby any citizen can gain the White House. Your president is not selected from amongst your 300 million or so citizens. Your incumbents BUY their way into the presidency. Who was the last non-millionaire to gain office? In the last hundred years I suspect only Eisenhower falls into that category. President Trump has simply played the system. One wonders just how reviled was Hilary Clinton to lose out to Mr Trump.

    Second, it has already been commented on that the level of grammar and spelling in some of the above comments is appalling. It appears that such errors are made by either contributors for whom English is not a first language or Americans. Citizens of the USA, please avail yourself of an education, even a basic one. Watch YouTube to se how ignorant of world politics, history or geography is the average American. It seems that if it doesn't involve America or Americans you just don't want to know.

  • Lauren ash said

    I think some people are missing the point. The argument that if they want us to respect their customs then they should respect ours when they come here is not valid in most western countries as most do not have any laws inforcing laws saying you can't overdress?? And if you want to refer to religion of various countries and respecting that, well the mother of Jesus is depicted nearly every time wearing a Vail.
    But most importantly what I have learned from Muslim women who have chosen themselves their Islamic dress code is that it gives them freedom and it is their right as women. So if we from the west can't respect their freedom and women rights then who is the suppressing force, the one allowing women to cover or the one who enforce a culture pressurising women to expose themselves as a cultural norm any anyone covering up too much of their body can't fit in to society.

  • Ray ray said

    i think this should be a warning for Indian ladies like who wear lehengas with a bra or backless short tight top which is ultra indecent...

  • Shannon said

    Went we can’t display the Canadian flag their country?

  • Dalia said

    can i wear a weed shirt in dubaii????

  • Max said

    I know some interested info.
    United Arab Emirates is located in Asia. United Arab Emirates is considered to be a developing nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life.

  • Young woman living in the United States said

    As someone who loves travel, I decided to read this article because I thought it might be useful if I ever go to the UAE (which I would love to do). One aspect of the comments that I dislike is the fact that people are pushing their views on an already established country with rules and laws. It is Eastern culture to wear modest clothing and the UAE is no exception, why is this such a big deal? I believe that when you are in someone else´s country, you should respect their laws and culture (even if you think they don´t do the same). I am a feminist and I will be wearing modest clothing when I visit the UAE. Thank you for your time

  • Max said

    Dubai authorities and private business have launched a new way to combat coronavirus. New technology can kill all germs in a few seconds. I am interested in hearing your thoughts. What do you think about this (sterixeco, sterxgate etc?

  • Sk Buff said

    Are we actually trying to compare nudity with covering up? I didn't think westernisation has fiddled that much with our brains that humanity is now being compared with bestiality. Just stop trying to justify body-shaming yourself in Middle East countries by bringing up Muslims women covering up properly in Europe etc. Decency cant be compared to Profanity.
    This is NOT an opinion. It basic ethics.

  • Bran said

    """One aspect of the comments that I dislike is the fact that people are pushing their views on an already established country with rules and laws. It is Eastern culture"""

    - Doesn’t genuine Cultural Respect work the other way around? Doesn't seem to work....

    Burkha is respected in Europe (with the exception of two countries), but in the UAE you must not be yourself in body-hugging clothing. Hmm.

    I respect everyone’s own opinions and everyone is allowed to be as it is. But when you start dictating how others are allowed to live. It's sick. You are "pushing" youre own view too ny the way!

    I hope one day everybody can be themselves and enjoy the freedom. And religions are for themselves, not for the purpose of prescribing others.

  • Mustafa fox said

    Nice article, but I think also, that cap are on of dress code for Emiratis

  • Alex Wu said

    I'm from China, my friend and I went to Dubai Mall for the first time, where I bought a Kanduras and wore it and walked into the mall. Unexpectedly, all the Muslim friends in the mall greeted me very friendly and took photos with me, which surprised me very much. This is a very good city. The people here are very friendly, kind and welcoming.
    I think that when you go to other people's places, you should respect their cultural etiquette. This is also a way to respect others.

  • The wolf said

    If someone is offended, they can look the other way and not force their beliefs on other people. Not everyone is a Muslim. Shame on the middle east for treating women so horrible. Definitely not a place I would want to visit. So glad I live in America and have the basic human freedoms to wear what I want.

  • CrickeeEssence said

    What are some unique ways to express personal style through fashion?

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