Meet Emily Howes

Meet Emily Howes


What are you most passionate about?

My children – nothing inspires me to be a good global citizen like they do; and the natural world – microscopes, telescopes and everything in between.

What are you least passionate about?


Where have you just been?

While recently my life has been more maternity ward and less departure lounge, parenthood has been an adventure even more transformative and enriching than travel. Now, I'm looking forward to showing my children the world.

Where must you go before you die?

Pune to visit the grave of my great-grandmother. And because India.

Video camera, stills camera or pen?

What's a pen? Keyboard and watercolours.

Favourite travel quote

"The Earth from here is a grand [oasis] to the big vastness of space." – Jim Lovell, Apollo 8


"If you walk the footsteps of another, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew." – Pocahontas (I've never outgrown Disney)

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