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Product Communications Manager
I was born in Australia to parents who worked managing forests. That meant we traveled a lot with the government, moving from national park to national park across South Australia and Victoria. By the time I was 10, I’d lived by the ocean, the Snowy Mountains and in many a small town. We then moved to the ‘big smoke’ called Brisbane in tropical Queensland, cementing in me a love of the hot, the cold and everything in between.
Those early years traveling gave me itchy feet to see more of the world, which I tried to satisfy by becoming a journalist spending my days speaking to and learning more about people. But while I love learning about people, I also wanted to see the world.
I’ve worked in Europe as a tour guide, backpacked through Asia on US$10 a day, traveled around the US and spent many a holiday trying to fill in the gaps. I speak a smattering of words in around five languages (just enough to order a beer and dinner and read the local signs) and am always working on learning more.
I love bringing together my personal experience of traveling and understanding what is important to customers to my role here at World Nomads, helping our travelers and community to get the most out of their travel insurance and make it work for them.