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Product Communications Specialist
I was born in Chile and came to Australia when I was three. I grew up in the south-west of Sydney and then moved back to Chile until I was 18. After high school, I returned to Australia to study Media and Communications at University of Wollongong, enjoying the nightlife and the beaches.
I have been lucky to have visited some beautiful places on holiday and for work, including Japan, New Zealand, France, Spain, Italy, Serbia and Hawaii. Patagonia is by far my favourite place back home and would recommend this to anyone planning their next trip.
I started working at World Nomads at the end of 2019 and I am enjoying writing and learning about travel experiences. I have the big challenge of creating a sexy travel insurance guide, so wish me luck! I am looking forward to creating some great content. I have previously written about mining, finance, climate change, and automotive.
In the future, I hope to visit the US and Canada and experience a white Christmas as a welcome change to the sweltering heat and humidity of Sydney.
1 Articles published