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Strategic Partnerships
I was born in England, but have lived in Scotland, Syria, Cyprus, and Australia, and I'm now settled back in the Midlands, England.
I worked in the London insurance market in the early ‘90s before joining the tech boom at the end of the decade. I was then enticed down to Sydney in 2001 to help set up World Nomads, and I've worked here ever since. I'm one of the founders.
I work in the Partnerships team, exploring opportunities with large global brands. I'm on the management board for one of the industry's leading associations, WYSE Travel Confederation, and I'm the Travel Safety Advisory Panel Chairman. I regularly attend myriad global conferences, often speaking about our exciting products and services. Working at World Nomads has been a tremendous journey over the years, especially watching our team grow from strength to strength. I've also made many wonderful friends and get to experience different cities and culture on an annual basis.
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