Am I covered by travel insurance if my passport's been lost, stolen or damaged?

Antes de viajar, consulte as atualizações da anvisa sobre alertas e restrições para seu destino.

For policies purchased after 10 August 2016, 3:00am UTC, your World Nomads policy is provided through Zurich Insurance Group

Desculpe, essa informação está indisponível no momento.  Estamos trabalhando para trazê-la para você o mais rápido possível. Customer Service phone (sales / service) 0800 761 61 61 0800-275-8585 (Hearing impaired service)

SAC - Informações & Pré-vendas 0800 761 61 61 0800 275 8585 (Deficientes Auditivos e de Fala) Opening hours (except holidays): Monday to Friday from 8h to 20h and Saturday from 8h to 18h.

Hearing impared service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Horário de funcionamento (exceto feriados): De segunda a sexta-feira das 8h às 20h e aos sábados das 8h às 18h. Deficientes Auditivos e de Fala: Atendimento disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por seman.


For policies purchased before 10 August 2016, 3:00am UTC your World Nomads policy is provided through Bupa Global

Yes, you can make a claim for the expenses you incur to replace your passport if it’s stolen, lost or damaged under specific circumstances.

What’s covered

The costs to replace your passport including:

  • necessary transportation charges
  • fees
  • photos
Your passport is covered when:
  • stolen while you were carrying it (when the theft is observed)
  • stolen from a locked safety box or locker where there are visible signs of forced entry.
  • stolen from your locked accommodation abroad
  • lost or damaged by fire or other natural disaster if locked in your accommodation abroad or in a  locked safety box .
What you need to do if your passport is stolen or lost:

Report the theft or loss to your passport to:

  • the nearest police authority within 24 hours of the discovery and obtain a police report.
  • your nearest embassy, consulate or government office so you can apply for your replacement passport. Contact the emergency assistance team if you need help locating any of these offices.

When making a claim for your lost or stolen passport, you must provide the written police report and receipts for all costs incurred to support your claim.

Also be aware that any claim submitted related to the theft, loss or damage to your passport will have a €70EURO/$100USD policy excess deducted per person, per claimable event.

What’s not covered

Travel insurance is not designed to cover everything, so take the time to read the full description of cover in the Product Guide for full details on what’s covered and what’s not covered.

There’s no cover for:

  • costs related to the time involved in replacing your passport
  • stolen passports if left unsupervised or if you don’t take reasonable care to protect it.