World Nomads Travel Scholarship ‘Photo and Film 2024’

Terms and Conditions

Important: Please read these rules before entering this Scholarship (the “Scholarship”). 

  1. The Promoter is WNG Services Pty Limited (ABN: 79 128 500 998) on its own behalf and on behalf of its Related Body Corporates (World Nomads) of Governor Macquarie Tower, Level 18, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia.
  1. By applying for this Scholarship (Applicant), you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  1. All decisions of World Nomads, are final in all matters relating to the Scholarship. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be published on the World Nomads website at

Application Period

  1. Applications are open from 12:00:01am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) 19 September 2024 to 11:59:59pm EDT on 22 October 2024 (Application Period).
  1. All applications must be received during the Application Period.
  1. Applications are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by World Nomads and World Nomads records are conclusive as to the time of receipt.
  1. All dates may be subject to change, if necessary, at World Nomads' discretion.
  1. If the Scholarship cannot be conducted as intended for any reason beyond World Nomads’ control, World Nomads reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Scholarship application process or, if necessary, to provide alternative prizes to the same value as the original Prizes.
  1. World Nomads reserves the right or subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority, to modify, suspend, terminate, withdraw or cancel the Scholarship at any time without notice.
  1. Applications are limited to one (1) application per person during the Application Period. The odds of winning will depend on the number and quality of entries received during the Application Period. Any attempts to obtain additional entries, including through multiple or duplicate accounts will result in disqualification.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. This Scholarship is open to residents of any country or jurisdiction, who are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the relevant jurisdiction (whichever is older) by the end of the Application Period, except where the Scholarship is prohibited by law in the jurisdiction in which the Entrant is a resident or where the Scholarship is subject to registration requirements by World Nomads (including without limitation, Italy, Colombia, Brazil, Quebec, Crimea, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Sudan).
  1. Applicants must: 
  1. Not be professional photographers or filmmakers (derive more than 25% of income from either photography or filmmaking);
  2. Be available to travel to and be in Africa for 7-12 days, with the Scholarship trip to run during the period of April – May 2025. Please note that dates may be subject to change and are to be confirmed with winners before accepting the prize.
  3. Have a valid passport with at least 6 months’ validity at time of travel.
  4. Be able to secure a visa to travel to the Scholarship destinations, and arrange this themselves at their own cost, prior to travel. Possible countries to be either or combination of South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, or Zambia.  
  5. Not be employees of World Nomads, Go2Africa, the Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, and Signature Media, and any of their respective parent companies, affiliate companies, subsidiaries, agents, professional advisors, and advertising and promotional agencies, and immediate family members of each and those living in their households.
  1. World Nomads reserves the right to request proof of eligibility. 
  1. To submit a valid Application (one entry permitted per person), an applicant must, during the Application Period:
  • Visit the World Nomads Scholarship page at
  • Complete an application form, which includes providing an applicant’s personal information (contact details).
  • Share one link in the application form that directs to 3-5 photos or 30-60 seconds of video that the entrant has created (Application Creative Content). The Application Creative Content must:
    • visually capture a travel story;
    • not have been used to win prizes in any other promotions;
    • be posted for public access/ or via a public account. Any content that is unable to be publicly viewed will be automatically disqualified;
    • be visual (image or video only). Any voiceover or captions must be in English to be understood by judges; and
    • Video must take no more than 60 seconds to review in full, or if longer, only the first 60 seconds will be reviewed.
  • Tell us in 150 words or less why the applicant should be the Scholarship winner and what winning this opportunity would mean for them.
  • The Applicant's photos or video will be judged equally on creativity, how visually engaging it is, and execution. 
  • We will weight Applications based on photography/video (70%) and written submission (30%). 
  1. Should an Application reach the final round of judging, the shortlisted applicant may be:
    1. contacted by World Nomads to:
      1. provide additional information in order to confirm eligibility for the Scholarship
      2. answer additional questions;
    2. invited to attend a short interview online via Zoom as part of the final stages of judging.

Shortlisted Applicants must respond within the time-frame stated in the contact from World Nomads (usually 1 week) to remain in the running for the Scholarship.

  1. World Nomads reserves the right to verify the validity of any entry, including the entrant's identity and age.
  1. Applicants who breach these Terms and Conditions, violate any law, rule or regulation in connection with participation in the Scholarship, tamper with the operation of the Scholarship or engage in any conduct that is detrimental or unfair to World Nomads, the Scholarship or any other entrant (in each case as determined at World Nomads sole discretion) may be disqualified from the Scholarship.
  1. Each Applicant warrants and agrees that:
    1. they will not submit any Application Creative Content that is unlawful or fraudulent, or that World Nomads may deem in breach of any intellectual property, privacy, publicity, or other rights, defamatory, obscene, derogatory, pornographic, sexually inappropriate, violent, abusive, harassing, threatening, objectionable with respect to race, religion, origin, or gender, not suitable for children aged under 15, or otherwise unsuitable for publication;
    2. their Application Creative Content shall not contain viruses or cause injury or harm to any person or entity;
    3. they will obtain prior consent from any person or from the owner(s) of any intellectual property that appears in their Application Creative Content;
    4. the Application Creative Content is the original literary work of the Applicant and use of the Application Creative Content as permitted under these Terms and Conditions will not infringe the rights of any third party;
    5. they consent to any use of the Application Creative Content which may otherwise infringe their moral rights pursuant to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and warrant that they have the full authority to grant these rights or consents or have otherwise obtained any such consents in relation to third parties' creations (if any) in the Application Creative Content.
  2. Without limiting any other terms, the Applicant agrees to indemnify World Nomads for any breach of clause 17.
  3. By entering, each Applicant grants a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, and sub-licensable licence to World Nomads and World Nomads Partners to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, or display their application including the Application Creative Content (including in publicly-displayed advertising and in a publicly-distributed winner list) to the Scholarship without any compensation, attribution, or liability. For the purposes of this clause 20, “World Nomads Partners” means Go2Africa, the Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, and Signature Media.

Application Process

  1. Following the end of the Application Period, a panel of judges will review the eligible applications, determine the best entries and award three (3) Scholarships. The panel’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the panel’s decision.
  1. This is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winner. Each entry will be individually judged, based upon individual creative merit.
  1. The three (3) Scholarships will be awarded based on submitted Application Creative Content (70%) and the corresponding written submission (30%). Application Creative Content will be judged equally on creativity, how visually engaging it is and execution. Written submissions will be judged on how well the Applicant convinces our judges that they should be a Scholarship recipient.
  1. Selection of the winners of the three (3) Scholarships will be conducted at World Nomads office located at Level 18, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia between 3 September and 5 November 2024.
  1. Winners names will be published on the World Nomads’ website at on or before 19 November 2024.
  1. If (having made reasonable efforts) World Nomads cannot contact a Scholarship winner, or if any prize is not accepted or that Scholarship winner’s entry will be deemed invalid, and we reserve the right to award the unclaimed scholarship to the next best entry.

The Prize

  1. Each of the three (3) winners will receive:
  • Return economy airfare from the winners nearest international airport to Africa, courtesy of World Nomads (valued at approx. $2,000 USD)
  • A Safari Tour thanks to Go2Africa valued at approximately $2,767.97 USD.
  • Mentorship with mentors Dan and Zora (the Travel Shooters) in Africa (valued at approximately $2,000 USD)
  • Fujifilm X-T5 SILVER CAMERA + FUJINON XF70-300mmF4-5.6 R L OIS WR LENS. Total value RRP $3,100 USD.
  • $150 USD toward the purchase of a travel insurance policy covering the duration of the assignment trip. The winner is required to purchase the policy via a reputable travel insurance provider and provide World Nomads with proof of purchase, at which point World Nomads will reimburse the winner up to the value of $150 USD. The winner should ensure the policy suits their individual objectives, needs and financial situation.
  • Their trip photos and videos published in Vacations & Travel magazine. Worth between USD$7,400 and USD$14,800.
  • Content creation requirements to build a portfolio (Winner Creative Content). Each winner will be tasked with creating photography and filmmaking content for World Nomads, Vacations & Travel magazine (Signature Media), FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, and Go2Africa. This includes but is not limited to: 
    • World Nomads:
      • 50 photographs from the Scholarship trip.
      • 1-2 video assets from the Scholarship trip. 
      • 1 photo essay from the Scholarship trip for
    • Vacations & Travel magazine (Signature Media):
      • A selection of photographs and/or video assets for an editorial spread.
    • FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd: 
      • A selection of photographs from the Scholarship trip. 
      • 1-2 video assets, including behind-the-scenes footage using the FUJIFILM XT5 for YouTube. 
    • Go2Africa:
      • 20-25 photographs from the Scholarship trip.
      • 1-2 video assets from the Scholarship trip.
  • Each winner grants World Nomads and the World Nomads Partners, as applicable, a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, and sub-licensable licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, or display their Winner Creative Content (including in publicly-displayed advertising) without any compensation, attribution, or liability.   
  • Total prize is valued at $17,417.97 USD
  1. The value of the prizes is accurate at the first date of the Application Period. World Nomads accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prizes after that date.
  1. World Nomads reserves the right in its sole discretion to substitute a prize of comparable or greater value for any prize.
  1. The prize cannot be refunded, transferred, substituted or redeemed for cash. The prize, or any unused portion of the prize, is not exchangeable or transferrable, cannot be extended and cannot be taken as cash if the prize is not fulfilled. Any unclaimed and/or unused prize (or portion of a prize package) will remain the property of World Nomads.
  1. Each winner is responsible for all personal expenses and any other expenses, fees and costs connected with the prize that are not included in the prize description.
  1. Each winner is responsible for ensuring that they have valid passports, and any required visas, vaccinations and travel documentation for travel to Africa.
  1. All prizes are awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). All federal, state and local taxes associated with the receipt or use of any Prize are the sole responsibility of the winner. If the winner is a resident of the United States, the winner a will be required to provide a social security number and will be issued a Form 1099.
  1. World Nomads will not replace any lost or stolen cash or prize items once they are in the winner’s possession.
  1. World Nomads, and other providers of any prize, and Facebook Inc. and any other Social Media Platform (as defined below) on which the Scholarship is promoted, and each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, professional advisors, contractors, and advertising/marketing and contest agencies (collectively, “Released Parties") shall have no liability for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages or expenses resulting from or arising out of any travel related to the prize or any other aspect of the prize winner’s or traveling companion’s acceptance of the prize.
  1. World Nomads reserves the right to cancel or modify the Scholarship at its discretion.

Privacy and Marketing Statement

  1. World Nomads will handle an Applicant’s personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy. An Applicant may request access or to update their personal information or lodge a complaint by emailing the Privacy Officer at Applicants can view World Nomads' privacy policy at
  1. World Nomads collects Applicant’s personal information for the purpose of conducting and promoting this Scholarship (including but not limited to determining and notifying the winners). By entering into the Scholarship, an Applicant consents to World Nomads disclosing their personal information to the prize providers, various partners, and World Nomads’ related entities to process and deliver the Scholarship, and to improve World Nomads’ products and services.
  1. By entering the Scholarship, an Applicant acknowledges that a further primary purpose for collection of their personal information is to contact the Applicant in the future with information about World Nomads, including special offers, market research or to provide marketing materials via mail, commercial electronic messages (SMS (Short Message Service) and email or any other form of non-real time electronic, emerging, digital or conventional communications channel whether existing now or in the future.
  1. World Nomads may share an Applicant’s personal information with its Australian and overseas related companies, promotional partners, employees, agents and trusted third parties who may contact an Applicant for their legitimate commercial purposes. By entering the Scholarship, each Applicant acknowledges and agrees that World Nomads and any applicable third parties may use their personal information in the manner set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  1. Each winner will participate in all reasonable promotional activities in relation to the Scholarship, as requested by World Nomads and their agents. This may include the winners’ names, likeness, images and/or voices (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same), being used in any media worldwide for whatever purpose and without notification, remuneration or compensation, for marketing and or promotional purposes, for an indefinite period.
  1. Personal information including an Applicant’s name, email, intent to travel, country of residence and email will be collected and used for the purpose of conducting this Scholarship and associated marketing activities. This may include disclosure to third parties including the Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, Signature Media, Go2Africa, and World Nomads’ agents or third party service providers, for the purpose of conducting the Scholarship and associated marketing activities.
  1. Please refer to World Nomads’ Privacy Policy for more information about how we use personal information at Policy UK and IE at and Privacy Policy EEA: We will not share contact information with partners without consent (as indicated by the checked boxes on the website).
  1. If an Applicant has marked the “opt-in” box on the entry form relating to a third party collecting the Applicant’s personal information, the Applicant consents to World Nomads sharing that personal information with the Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, Signature Media, and Go2Africa for the storage of that personal information on their database/s. The Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, Signature Media, and Go2Africa may use this information for their future promotional and marketing purposes regarding their products and services including contacting an Applicant via electronic messaging provided that, where required by the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), those messages will include a functional unsubscribe facility enabling opt-out of any further such communications.
  1. Applicants should contact the Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, Signature Media, and Go2Africa or any relevant third party/ies for the privacy policies of those entities.

Limitations of Liability/Releases

  1. Subject to applicable law, by entering the Scholarship, the winner agrees that their acceptance is conditional upon their compliance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations.
  1. Each Applicant releases World Nomads and all Released Parties, including the Travel Shooters, FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd, Signature Media, and Go2Africa from any liability whatsoever, and waives any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Scholarship or delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, use of, or inability to use, any prize (including, without limitation, claims, costs, injuries, losses and damages related to personal injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation or portrayal in a false light, whether intentional or unintentional), whether under a theory of contract, tort (including negligence), warranty or other theory except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
  1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits, excludes or modifies or purports to limit, exclude or modify the statutory consumer guarantees as provided under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), as well as any other implied warranties or similar consumer protection laws in the State and Territories of Australia, or any other similar laws applicable in the country of the Applicant.

Name and likeness rights

  1. If an Applicant is selected as a winner, except where prohibited by law, by entering into the Competition, the Applicant consents and gives permission to the use of te Applicant’s name, city of residence, likeness and prize information, without limitation, for World Nomads’ advertising, marketing, and promotional purposes (including in publicly-displayed advertising and in a publicly-distributed winner list) without further permission or compensation.
  1. As a condition of being awarded any prize, except where prohibited by law, a winner may be required to execute a consent to the use of their name, hometown, aural and visual likeness and prize information, without limitation, for advertising, marketing, and promotional purposes without further permission or compensation.

License to submissions

  1. By entering the Scholarship and submitting an Application to World Nomads in connection with the Scholarship, each Applicant hereby grant to World Nomads a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive license to publish, reproduce, display, perform, distribute, adapt, edit, modify, translate, create derivative works based upon, and otherwise use and sublicense the Application, or any portion thereof, in connection with the Scholarship and for other advertising, marketing and promotional purposes, and to incorporate Submissions, in whole or in part, into other works in any manner, form, media or technology now known or later developed. World Nomads will have no obligation to publish or use or retain any Application submitted or to return any such Application to an Applicant.
  1. Each Applicant agrees that it is the Applicant’s sole responsibility to obtain all permissions and releases necessary for the grant of the rights contained in this paragraph and these Terms and Conditions.
  1. Each Applicant agrees to take, at World Nomads (or an applicable World Nomads Partner) expense, any further action (including, without limitation, execution of affidavits and other documents) reasonably requested by World Nomads (which may be on behalf of a World Nomads Partner) to effect, perfect or confirm the rights of World Nomads or a World Nomads Partner (as the case may be) as set forth above and in these Terms and Conditions.

No Facebook or Other Social Media Platform Endorsement

  1. This Scholarship is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Inc. or any other social media platform (each, a “Social Media Platform”).
  1. Each Applicant understands and acknowledges that by using and interacting with any Social Media Platform, the Applicant is subject to the terms, conditions, and policies that govern the use of such Social Media Platform. Each Applicant should therefore review the applicable terms and policies for each Social Media Platform (such as,,, including privacy and data gathering practices, before using or interacting with a Social Media Platform.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. The Scholarship and these Terms and Conditions will be governed, construed and interpreted under the laws of New South Wales, Australia. This Scholarship is subject to all applicable federal and state laws and is void where prohibited or where applicable law requires World Nomads to register this Scholarship.
  1. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed unenforceable, it will be enforced to the extent permissible, and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions will remain in effect.
  1. World Nomads reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions or to terminate this Scholarship at any time.
  1. Applicants who violate these Terms and Conditions, violate any law, rule or regulation in connection with participation in the Scholarship, tamper with the operation of the Scholarship or engage in any conduct that is detrimental or unfair to World Nomads, the Scholarship or any other applicant (in each case as determined in World Nomads’ sole discretion) are subject to disqualification from eligibility for the Scholarship.