Material creations and thoughts are best appreciated when allowed to pass as forest clouds and entrance signs. Being replaces seeing replaces having replaces owning the further out I walk on this rope of life.This is to say I live for the day on the road in a 1990 Ford Econoline conversion van. Satisfaction is her name and she has sent me off on all kind of vision quest across the continental US. I wake in Lyons, CO, the same fool as yesterday, eager to respond to the endless faces of God on a walk in the National Park named for President Roosevelt. Walking from comfort toward the unseen, wearing appropriate layers and an inner smile toward that which I don’t yet know, my prayer. “I am” replaces “I am here” and its predecessor, “I am Remy, a woman, 35...” The sanctum of this scale of St. Vrain Canyon dispossess me of answers. Perspective is what I am charged to hold briefly as art and fact. The mountain remains aloof to my demands and the urge to seek.Having used all the means at my disposal to walk among the endless images of God, I am happy to change for and as quickly as the weather. I return to my van before a November blizzard, satisfaction on my face.