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Win a 14-day Travel Writing Scholarship in Portugal!

Frequently Asked Questions

In partnership with:

Strictly one application per person.


  • Jennifer Ma said

    This is a random one but worth asking, I think, anyway. I'm currently pregnant with our third baby due May 7th. We travel a lot so I'm used to travelling with babies/kids. I'd like to submit an application but I'm conscious that by August I will have a 3 month old baby. This doesn't bother me as I'm comfortable travelling with babies, however I thought it best to ask if this is an issue for you should I happen to win the scholarship. (The other kids would stay home with Dad/Grandma.)
    Hi Jennifer,

    As mentioned above, we've only got space on the scholarship opportunity for the 3 winners.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Yuri Murakami said

    What kind of English proficiency certificate do I need to supply?

    Is there an specific one? I studied english a long time ago and had one proficiency certificate but it is old. So is there a date to it? To be considered eligible?

    Hi Yuri,
    There's no need to provide an English proficiency certificate to apply for the scholarship.
    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Isabela said

    Hello! Do I need to be doing something related to writing to participate? Because I'm a engineering student and I'de like to know if I could participate.

    Hi Isabela,
    This opportunity is open to everyone except professional writers so you most definitely can enter.
    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Caryn said


    I'm debating if I would be considered a "professional writer." I have published two books, but they are not travel writing and I do not make 25% of my income from writing. Can you please provide guidance as to whether this would be an opportunity I can pursue or one I should let go?

    Thank you!

    Hi Caryn,
    Thanks for your question. In some cases we'll need to take it on a case by case basis. If you could email links to your work to we'll get back to you from there.
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • S said


    Is there any allowance for writing teams? I am in a travel writing partnership (neither of us are professional writers) and we would like to enter a joint piece. Is that possible?

    Hi Sophie,

    Each entry must be from an individual as there will be 3 winning applications and only 3 spots for the winners on the trip.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • icealene cain said

    greetings friends thank you ???? for your program
    i’m just a mom that likes to see the world ???? can i still apply

    Hi Icealene,
    Yes, of course you can apply!
    Best of luck,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Mary said

    I entered my name and email for the reminder as well as tips, but I am not receiving the confirmation email. I have checked all folders multiple times, but still no email.

    Hi Mary,

    Can you please email so we can have a look into this for you.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Kobus said

    Hi Team WN

    Do you prefer submissions in US or British English.

    Best regards


    Hi Kobus,

    Good question! As long as you're consistent throughout your story you can choose either.

    Best of luck,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Joanne said

    Does the essay have to include the actual phrasing of the theme we choose somewhere in the text?

    Hi Joanne,

    By no means do you have to use the phrasing of your chosen theme, it's just meant to be a starting point for crafting your travel story.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Monica said

    Hi, I manage a sailing event and all its online content including website news, newsletters and social media posts. Though it is only part time I do earn a small income from this, though not enough to make a living. Over the past three years I have had around 6 short articles published across three magazines. All but one were industry related. Would I be considered a professional writer for the purposes of this contest? Please say, no :)
    Thanks very much,

    Hi Monica,

    I have responded to your email.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Ingrid said

    Hi there guys, '

    I work for a travel company as an editor, so I do earn a living writing and editing. I do, however, really want to be mentored as a travel writer. All the writing I've done has been in my capacity as a member of the marketing team for my company, not as a traveller or a travel writer. Is there any way that I might be eligible?

    Hi Ingrid,

    Can you please email with this?

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Gram said

    So many "Am I a professional writer?" questions. Sorry to add one more to the pile. I'm a copywriter, so not published anywhere. I mostly come up with ideas and don't write anything over the length of a B2B emailer. Any chance I could submit something? I can't even link to my work because it'd be online banners or billboards!

    Hi Gram,

    Can you please email this into, and we can give you a response from there.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Isabella said

    Can I write a story about a trip in my own country? Or should I write one in another territory?

    Hi Isabella,

    You most certainly can write about a travel experience in your own country, what better place to explore than your own backyard.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Apoorva said

    Hey! Judt wanted to know if I can use a few Native words in my write up to get a closer descriptive of the place or all of it has to be English only?

    Hi Aproorva,

    Good question! Bear in mind the judges will need to be able to understand you story, so while you can use words from your native language, make sure it's understandable to someone who can only speak English.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Margot said

    Will all travel stories be made public or just the winners/shortlist? In case all will be made public, where can I find them?

    Hi Margot,

    You can find all the stories at this link here: <>

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Anna said

    I have a question concerning the documents for travel. I am from a EU country so I technically do not need a passport to travel to Portugal, I can just travel with my national ID. Do I still need to have a valid passport to apply/participate?
    Thank you.

    Hi Anna,

    Good question! As long as you are are a resident within the Schengen area and are eligible to enter Portugal then you won't need a passport.

    Best of luck,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Marianna S. said


    I have a question that might be obvious but it isn't at all, in fact.
    I've already understood that we must have an acceptable level of writting and comprehension on english in order to apply for the scholarship, but, the submission essay must be writting in english or it can be written in my mother tongue?

    Thank you very much!

    Hi Marianna,

    All applications need to be written in English.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • AlenaT said


    I was awarded a fellowship with a U.S.-based NGO whose program requirements included Fellows writing a monthly blog post. This task was one of the roles and responsibilities of each Fellow, including myself, and I posted a few travel writings to the NGO's blog. Each post is fully credited to me with my name and/or preferred pseudonym.

    Can I submit one of my blog postings as my travel story for the 2019 Travel Writing Scholarship? Thank you!

    Hi Alena,

    As long as you still retain the rights to the piece then yes you may. Just make sure it matches the brief and with your chosen theme.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Tyler Michalek said


    How might a recounting of slightly illicit activities be received? My mother is rather liberal in this area, so I'd be publishing shame free.


    Hi Tyler,

    While we might not necessarily condone the behaviour, as long as it's a great travel story we won't count it against you. Just make sure you're comfortable having the information on a public site.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • lucy surridge said

    I entered for the Portugal scholarship and then realised I had some typos in there, so I re entered again. is there anyway you could delete by first draft as an entry?

    Hi Lucy,

    Can you please email with this? We'll be able to help you from there.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Iqra Shafiq said


    I want to know about the type of travel story. Can it be the hypothetical or the other way round an imaginary story to the place where I've never been to? The people (like me) who have never gone out of their own country cannot narrate a travel experience. Can I write the one of my own country?

    Hi Iqra,

    1. We ask our applicants to write a travel story about their own experience as we are looking for 3 aspiring travel writers with the potential to become professionals.
    2. You most certainly can write about your own country – we don't believe you need to travel far from home to find an amazing story!

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Jidranuch said

    I just confused for the place of country where is the source of writing.....
    Can i write any story from apart of all around the world?example thailand? I mean not the story about it ok?or the story in oldest Europe only....?
    But the point is under the 3 theme of topics .
    Is that i understand correctly, right?

    Hi Jidranuch,

    You can write the story about any travel experience you've had in any country around the world. You need to select 1 of the 3 themes to craft your story around.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Diletta Lobuono said

    Hello, I just submitted my application and I realised I made a stupid mistake. Instead of writing the country I talk about in my travel story, I have put the country I am from. I wasn't careful. I'm worried that it could jeopardize my application. Is there anything I can do?

    Hi Diletta,

    Please email with a link to your application and we'll be able to help you from there.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Javiera said

    Hello, i have a doubt.

    "Return economy airfare from the nearest international airport to Portugal"

    So if i live in Santiago de Chile, it will be just a return ticket from Lisbon, Oporto, Madrid to Santiago?

    Not a roundtrip from my country?


    Hi Javiera,

    You will receive a round trip airfare. So from you nearest international airport in Santiago Chile to Portugal and then back at the end of the program.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Eric said

    Hi, I got a doubt.

    Does it have to be about a actual trip I've done? Or can I create a new story?

    Thanks, Eric.

    Hi Eric,

    We ask that you write about a travel experience that you personally have had.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Katie Murphy said

    I'm not 18 now, but I would be able to do this trip next year. My question is, will it be the exact same program? (Same requirements, same destination, etc.) I have a story I'd like to submit but can't until next year.

    Hi Katie,

    We haven't quite gone into planning next year's scholarship yet, so can't confirm the details, but I can tell you we always love finding new destinations for our writers to explore. Make sure you sign up to our scholarships mailing list (you can find it on this page: so you don't miss hearing about it.

    Look forward to reading your story next year!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Vega said

    When we apply under the country of residence field, do you want the country we are currently living in? I am currently living abroad. Would you want the physical country of residence I am temporarily living in or the country from which I have permanent residency and citizenship?

    Hi Vega,

    Use the country that you have permanent residency in.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Chelsea said

    Hi there,
    I see the word count limit is 700. Do you know what the total character count limit is? (I ask this in case the software program that I'm using to write a draft calculates word count differently from the website algorithm.) And, do you know whether paragraph spacing impacts total word count?
    Thank you!

    Hi Chelsea,

    There's no exact character count limit as everyone's total characters used will vary within the 700 word limit. My guess would be 700 words is roughly around 3500 characters though. We do have a counter just below where you type in your story that will show you how many words you have left, so you can use that as an indicator.

    Paragraph spacing and normal spacing should have no impact on character count.

    Hope that helps!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Neda said

    Hey guys,

    I can't open the stories of the last year winners. It shows to me - error 522. I have asked friends and they also can't open them, maybe is something with the server. May i ask you to check because I really have to read the stories before publishing mine.

    Warm regards,

    Hi Neda,

    Looks like it is our server that's playing up, we're having a look into what has gone wrong. In the meantime you can read last year's winning stories using these links here:

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Arlette said

    It says there is a portfolio review session during the program, is it a requirement for all applicants to have a portfolio ready?

    Hi Arlette,

    The portfolio review will take place a couple of months after the trip and will be of the writing you produce on your solo trip in Portugal. You won't need to have anything prepared for the program.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Claudia said


    I've been unable to open previous winner's stories. I've tried in multiple platforms, like chrome and safari. Is there a way to access them through a google search. It keeps timing out saying the page is not found.

    Thank you.


    Hi Claudia,

    Thanks for letting us know! We're working on getting that fixed. In the meantime you can read last year's winning stories using these links here:

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Saurav Arya said

    Hey guys,

    I have two questions:

    I'm a copywriter and most of my writing requires to sell a product. My heart though lies in travel writing and I have been looking for a mentor for quite some time. Can I please apply?

    Also, my passport expired a couple of months back and I have already applied for a new one. Hope that doesn't come in the way of my application?

    Hi Saurav,

    For your first question, are you able to please email with your case about eligibility with any links to your work if you've got them?

    And for the second, that's no problem at all – you'll just need to make sure you've got a valid passport for the trip.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Tatiana said

    Hello. I have 3 questions.
    1. Is it OK to have quite fewer words than 700. Or is it preferable to be closer to that number?
    2.How can we write about a story that takes place in more than one countries?
    3.Last one, can the story be close to the poem side? I mean if it is still a story.
    Thank you!

    Hi Tatiana,

    1. You can use as many words as you like. However from past scholarships we've found the better applications usually end up on the higher end of the word limit.
    2. Yes you can, just make sure your story captures a particular experience rather than a general summary of a trip. If you do choose to write about more than one country, select the location of the story as the one where the majority of your trip takes place.
    3. As long as your story fits to the brief then I can't see why not.

    Good luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Amanda said

    Hi, I found about the trip extension in the F&Q but my question is can the winner shorten the individual 10-day trip? Let say to 8-day trip? Considering there might be some workers who are not allowed to take such a long day off from the office but will be able to accomplish the writing task.

    Hi Amanda,

    Good question. The winner must be available for the entire opportunity.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Casey said

    Hi there, I am a freelancer that is currently working part time because I am taking classes. I do a number of different things, but I just started my first writing project about 4 months ago. A couple months, technically more than 25% of my income came from that, but not every month, and I am not making a full time income. Am I still able to apply? Many thanks! Casey S.

    Hi Casey,

    Can you please email with this with links to your paid assignments if you've got them.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Ellie Croft said

    I just submitted my application however I have just realised that I selected the wrong country where the story occurred. I was just wondering if you or I could change it to the correct country? I selected Australia instead of New Zealand.


    Hi Ellie,

    I've replied to your email.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Alyssa said


    I entered my submission yesterday and I thought I saw that we are meant to receive a confirmation email that it had been submitted. I can see my submission in the entries but have still not received an email (if I read it correctly). I have been checking my Junk mailbox as well.

    Just worried that I might have entered my email incorrectly and won't receive any further emails to do with my submission if I do get any.

    Thank you

    Hi Alyssa,

    Can you please email us at with a link to your application if possible. I'll then be able to check that we've got your email right for you.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Benjamin Schroeder said

    I think I may have entered my email incorrectly on the entry form as I haven't received any sort of email confirmation for my entry (though it appears on the submitted applications page). Is this normal? Should I have received an email confirmation as well?

  • Matt Easterbrook said

    Hi Bec,

    I submitted my application, and the piece is on the site. I am just wondering what the rules are regarding sharing said piece on social media. Is it encouraged, discouraged, or not much of an issue at all? I couldn’t see anything in the terms and conditions about it and just wanted to confirm with you. Thanks!


  • Luana Rabelo said

    Hi! Is it possible for me to write about a travel experience that isn't necessarily in one place? I have recently returned from a trip to Romania but I was thinking about writing about the journey to get there (from Brazil, almost twenty four hours), but I'm not sure if it qualifies as travel writing. The theme I chose is 'A leap into the unknown'. Thanks :D

    Hi Luana,

    Sounds like a great story, the journey of how you get there can sometimes be just as exciting as the place itself. You can put the starting or ended location down as where you're story took place when you fill out the application form.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • maria marra said


    I submitted my work but I didn't receive the confirmation email and also, my work doesn't appear. It appears only if I write down the title in the navigation bar but it doesn't appear with the rest of the works. I don't understand why.
    Is it normal? I've already sent an email to, but I didn't receive a reply. I use an outlook account to do these things.

    The link on my work is this:
    It shows only when I search the tile.

    I hope this is ok, otherwise I would re-submit my work with another email account.

    Thanks for the opportunity,


    Hi Maria,

    I've responded to your email.

    All the best,

  • Hilary said

    Hi World Nomads! I just submitted my entry but did not hit the "subscribe" button before clicking "accept" and therefore did not receive an email to confirm my subscription - which is, if I'm not mistaken, the method by which the winners will be announced. Is this a problem? Should/can I retroactively subscribe so that I will receive updates? Thank you so much!

  • Hilary said

    Ah, I just noticed my confirmation email lurking in my Gmail "Promotions" folder. Never mind!

  • Jasmin A said


    I'm from the US but I'll be in Italy during the 2-week scholarship. If chosen, it wouldn't be a problem for me to fly out from Italy instead of the US. I'm worried that if my application says that I will be on a trip during the scholarship, then World Nomads might think I'll be unavailable for travel.

    How can I prevent looking like I'm unavailable to attend the workshop on my application? Should I not state that I will be in a different country and deal with it later if I'm chosen?

    Thank you!


  • Zoe said

    I was listed on the shortlist for this competition in a previous year, and am wondering whether there's a preference (judging-wise) for me to submit a new story or an updated version of my old one. I think I chose a great story the first time, so don't want to settle for second-best for this entry... but I do also have plenty of other experiences I could share if the judges want to see diversity! Thanks :)

    Hi Zoe,

    There are no rules against submitting the same story from last year, your previous story will have no effect the judges decision. However it might be good to look at our travel writing guide you can sign up for above on this page to the left of the FAQ's and get some tips from the scholarship mentor about how you can improve your writing and craft your story around one of this year's themes.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Rucha said

    Can I write about a trekking expedition? What theme will it fall in?

    Hi Rucha,

    Yes of course you can write about a trekking expedition. It's up to you to decide which theme you would like to craft your story around.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Sunita Bansdawala said

    Dear World Nomads,

    Thank you for the scholarship writing opportunity (2019), for aspiring travel writers.

    I have entered my story, called Splash & Thunder of Victoria Falls, but I see that it has been listed twice on 12 March & 13 March.
    Both the stories are the same, nevertheless, kindly inform me if you can keep the latter (13 March).


    Sunita Bansdawala

  • Tasnim Idriss said

    Hello :)

    Is it okay to submit the same entry twice? I did not get the confirmation email I was told I should get after submission to verify my email, so I applied again thinking that my entry wasn’t sent, but never received the email confirmation.
    I can see both entries in the entries section. Is that fine?

    Thank you

    Hi Tasnim,

    If you can see your application by searching here: then we have successfully received it.

    I will remove your first application as only one application is allowed per person.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Cristina Súarez-Zarracina Sánchez said

    I have submitted my application and it appears displayed on the website, but I have not received any confirmation e-mail.
    It is possible I did something wrong when it came to writing down my personal data and it would be devastating that for so my
    writing would not be accepted.

    Thank you for your time,
    Cristina Súarez

    Hi Cristina,

    I've replied to your email.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Bassant said

    Do I receive a confirmation mail after I submit my application? Because I didn't receive any

    Hi Bassant,

    I've gotten back to your email.

    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Alanna Rodriguez Loreto said

    Hi Bec,

    I just submitted my application, my story is Train Connections. I noticed there is an error in the country of the story saying is the USA when in fact is Germany which is clearly stated at the beginning of the story. Is there a way this could be fixed please? I wouldn’t like this detail to affect my application.

    Thank you,

    Hi Alanna,

    I've made the edit for you.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Bekah said

    I just sent an email to "contact us"

    But I have applied and not received a confirmation email. I am freaking out as there was a glitch in the last couple of minutes and the website had an error, clearing my submission. I attempted to resubmit after the fact and I am worried it will either count twice or not at all. Please help me!

    Bekah Kopp

    • Rebekah Kopp said

      It looks like the first submission went through on the website even though I have not received the confirmation!! Please delete the second one as I did not mean to do two entries (if you can)!


      Hi Bekah,

      I have removed your second application from our site.

      Good luck!
      - Bec, World Nomads

  • Karen Juster Hecht said

    Hi there. I submitted my essay this afternoon (3/13/2019) -- and it was apparently received because I was able to search and found it. I have not received a confirming email and want to make sure there isn't a problem.
    many thanks,
    here's the link with my submission:

  • Kerrie said


    I am in the same boat as Bekah! I tried to reload and resubmit and kept getting an error page. Eventually, it worked but I was past the deadline by that point. I submitted a request to the 'contact us' page and uploaded the story but I am nervous the entry didn't get in or duplicated the entries by accident. Any way to confirm? I have screenshots of the error pages that I got from the first submission and my attempts to load and resubmit if that helps!

    Please let me know, I'm nervous my entry won't be accepted somehow or didn't make it through the site errors!



  • Karen Juster Hecht said

    Hi there. I submitted my essay this afternoon (3/13/2019) -- and it was apparently received because I was able to search and found it. I have not received a confirming email and want to make sure there isn't a problem.
    many thanks,
    here's the link with my submission:

    Hi Karen,

    I can confirm your application has been successfully received. We'll have a look into why you haven'y received the confirmation email.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Kimberly VanKoten said

    I have submitted my application but I have not yet received a confirmation e-mail. Also, it looks like my story is displayed twice (they are the same version). My story is called "Morning Commute in the City of Darkness and Light." This may be because I hit submit twice because the server was not responding. Can you please remove the second submission and send me a confirmation email?

    Hi Kimberly,

    Please email and we'll be able to help you from there.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Mahesh Shanker said


    1) I received the confirmation on the website as well as by e-mail that my entry was successfully submitted to the contest. However, I am unable to find my entry. Also, my computer clock showed 8:30 AM and my mobile phone showed 8:32 AM Indian Standard Time (IST) as the time I pressed the submit button that matched with the time remaining on your website's clock I think but contest deadline time was 10 PM EDT which is 7:30 AM IST.

    2) I trust the word count can be any word count that is either 700 words or below. Mine might be some words below that.

    3) I would be setting up a travel blog that I may be turning commercial between now and the time the results are announced. Could you let me know what you would consider to be a non-commercial travel blog as well as a commercial travel blog and would it be acceptable to start either or both of these in the time between now and when the results would be announced?

    Hi Mahesh,

    1) I can confirm your application has been successfully received.

    2) Yes, stories can be below 700 words in length.

    3) Of course you may.

    Best of luck!
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • Ashley Mathews said


    I submitted my piece on the 13th of March but under my title is says March 14th. Can you confirm that it was submitted on time?

    Many thanks,

    Hi Ashley,

    I can confirm that your application was submitted on time.

    All the best,
    - Bec, World Nomads

  • World Nomads said

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for all your questions this year. The scholarship is now closed and this page will no longer be monitored for questions.

    Keep an eye out for the winners announcement on April 30, 2019.

    Best of luck to you all!

    - Bec, World Nomads

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