What am I covered for when it comes to terrorism?

For any cover to apply, it’s a condition that there was no warning or knowledge of any terrorist activity before the event.

What‘s terrorism?

Many travellers can get confused about what terrorism is, especially as the media loves to jump on any attack and label it as terrorism. To make it easy, once the Foreign Ministry of your Country of Residence or British Foreign and Commonwealth Office defines an attack as terrorism, so do we.

Am I covered for medical expenses?

Yes, the World Nomads policy covers injures you’ve sustained as a result of a terrorist attack. You can be covered for treatments such as:
  • medical evacuation by air or road ambulance to the most suitable medical facility
  • admission and treatment in hospital
  • day surgery and out-patient medical treatment
  • repatriation home - with a medical escort if you’re not fit to continue travelling, when pre-approved

The cost of medical care varies depending on where you are – a hospital visit in Bangkok is generally cheaper than a hospital visit for the same injury in the U.S, so you may want to take that in to consideration when purchasing your policy.

Am I covered for non-medical evacuation?

If there’s a terrorist act where you’re staying and the Foreign Ministry of your Country of Residence or British Foreign and Commonwealth Office recommends evacuation, we can evacuate you to the nearest safe country or back home. Your insurer, Bupa Global Travel , will make this decision at the time.

Am I covered if I need to cancel or change my plans?

Unfortunately, there’s no cover. Cancellation due to change of mind or acts of terrorism are not covered by the policy.

Can you refund the rest of my policy because I’ve returned home early?

As you’ve been travelling on the policy and it’s now outside of the premium refund period, there are no partial refunds.

What if I have to leave where I'm staying after a terrorism event and leave all of my stuff behind - can I replace it?

Unfortunately there’s no cover if you leave your stuff behind. However, if it was damaged, you can make a claim. Proof of the damage will be required to help assess any claim.

How to get help

If you’re going about your trip, taking in the sights, and photographing every morsel of food you’ve touched, and you’re injured as the result of a blast or other terrorist act, get yourself to safety before you do anything else. Once you’re safe, it’s important to contact the emergency assistance team as soon as you can, so they can guide you to the nearest hospital for appropriate care. We’d hate to think you’re out there trying to navigate foreign hospitals by yourself. The team in the World Nomad’s travel safety department have put this article together to help you survive a terrorist attack.

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  • Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm (Ireland time)

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