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Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
If your registered or checked-in baggage has arrived but it's been damaged by the carrier while in transit, you can make a claim for the costs incurred to repair these damaged items.
You can make a claim for the costs to repair the damaged bag itself or damaged items within the bag (with some exceptions - see ‘what’s not covered). How much you can claim per item and in total depends on what type of plan you buy, the Standard or Explorer Plan.
To make a claim for your checked-in damaged baggage or belongings you must:
Also be aware that any baggage claim submitted will have the policy excess applied. There is a €70/$100USD excess deducted per person, per claimable event
Watch the video to learn how our travel policy can provide cover for all of your tech gear during your travels.
Travel insurance is not designed to cover everything, so take the time to read the full description of cover in the policy wording for the full details on what’s not covered.
Here’s the main thing that isn’t covered:
If your electronics have had to be checked-in due to the U.S. and UK restrictions to carry-on luggage, click on this link.
The Baggage and Personal Effects benefit is not included in the policy available to permanent residents of India. Our insurer for Indian travellers, Bupa Global Travel, has decided that they are no longer able to manage benefits greater than cover for Overseas Medical Expenses and Medical Evacuation/Repatriation.
We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:
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