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Watch the sunrise in southern India, or find solitude in the far northern Himalayas.
India isn’t all about clamor and spice. Find stillness in an ashram, experience culture on the ghats of Varanasi, go hiking through the high Himalayas, or hire a kayak in the Bay of Bengal.
As long as you choose your seasons wisely, you’ll fall in love with India’s chaos.
Best seasons to travel through the north, east, south and west.
Common scams, transport tips, and womens safety in India.
Where and how to start your spiritual journey in India.
Gentle day hikes, challenging mountain adventures, and short treks.
The best main courses, quick eats, deserts and sweets for you to try.
Celebrate Holi, Diwali, Durga Puja, Pushkar Camel Fair, and Ganesh Chaturthi.
You might see your bank teller in a suit and tie at work, but later, performing a time-honored puja on the banks of a sacred river, wearing an orange robe with tilak marks on his forehead.