Working to save endangered wildlife.

About this charity

Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN) protects endangered wildlife by supporting conservationists who ensure wildlife and people coexist and thrive.

Their donation model allows 100% of any donation designated for a specific species to go directly to conservationists in the field, with zero overhead taken out, so donors can be certain their generosity is making the biggest impact possible for endangered wildlife. WCN has also received 4 stars and a 100% rating from Charity Navigator, America’s leading independent charity evaluator.

Through their Conservation Partner Network , WCN works with a select cohort of on-the-ground conservationists who operate on the frontlines and have the nimbleness and know-how to make conservation work. WCN offers these conservationists ongoing, in-depth, multi-year support, providing the financial resources, tools, and services they need to effectively protect wildlife. Through their Wildlife Funds , WCN offers flexible grants to projects from a wide range of organizations in order to protect a threatened species across its entire habitat.

To learn more, please visit

Watch: Penguin Conservation in Patagonia

See the impact of World Nomads and their customers' support in a short documentary below. This showcases the work of Global Penguin Society, one of WCN’s Conservation Partners.

Footprints | Argentina | Penguin Conservation from World Nomads Video on Vimeo.
