Ao nos informar o seu país de residência, conseguiremos fornecer informações de seguro viagem mais relevantes.
Por favor, atente para o fato de que nem todo o conteúdo está traduzido ou disponível para residentes de todos os países. Entre em contato para maiores detalhes.
By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
Before your trip, check the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.
There’s cover while on your working holiday but only when you have the appropriate working visa and/or are allowed to work under the local laws of the country you are working in.
Be sure to choose the right plan depending on what you’ll be doing so you’ll be insured while working.
Plan | Work type |
Standard | Non-manual work Any work which does not include physical labour. Examples include office work, hospitality, teaching, care-giving or retail work. |
Explorer | Non-manual work AND manual work Manual work is physical labour, usually done with your hands or machinery. Examples include fruit picking, hair-dressing, construction or work in a factory assembly line. |
Indian residents: Our insurer for Indian travellers,Bupa Global Travel has decided that they are no longer able to manage benefits greater than cover for Overseas Medical Expenses and Medical Evacuation/Repatriation.
Will you be working with animals? If so, do let us know so we can confirm whether or not there’s cover.
You must wear protective clothing as specified by your employer or local government regulation and you must be trained and/or licensed to operate machinery and/or to work at height (i.e. above ground level e.g. using ladders).
If something happens while at work and you need medical evacuation or if you are hospitalised and incur overseas medical expenses, you must contact the emergency assistance team as soon as possible.
In the event of a claim for medical expenses you must notify the insurer of any insurance cover you have through your employer or under any workers' compensation act.
The policy isn’t designed to cover everything. Take the time to read the terms and conditions in the Product Guide for full details, limits to cover and exclusions. That way there are no surprises if you need to use it.
Here are the main things that aren’t covered:
We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:
For policies purchase on or after 2 December 2018:
For policies purchased before 2 December 2018:
Please select your country of residence