A day at cattle shed

by sai priya



Cows are fed with greens in the morning.The workers are cutting the greens grown in their own farm as a first thing in the morning
Cows are fed with greens in the morning.The workers are cutting the greens grown in their own farm as a first thing in the morning
Cow shed is cleaned with water and broom after the cows finish eating the greens fed in the morning
Cow shed is cleaned with water and broom after the cows finish eating the greens fed in the morning
In the afternoon they are fed with grass
In the afternoon they are fed with grass
They are made to drink the water mixed with organic food
They are made to drink the water mixed with organic food
The cows are milked with a machine and the milk is sent to the place where it is sold
The cows are milked with a machine and the milk is sent to the place where it is sold