I saw this joyful looking buddhist nun just smiling contently and quickly shot this candid moment before approaching her to greet her and show her the image on the back of my camera.After showing her the image she smiled. Motioning with the camera i asked if i may take more photos of her to which she smiled further and noddedThough we couldn't communicate through language she was someone who radiated wisdom, happiness and contentment and the details in her face and hands told 1000 storiesShe then read to me from a prayer book and gave me a blessing. While nothing she said was in English the connection through eye contact and smiling was a moment as vivid today as when it happenedThis brief few moments of meeting this Buddhist Nun has been one of my most treasured travel memories as it awoke me to the connection that can be made without language, without shared interests, backgrounds or cultures, but simply 2 people connecting on the most basic of levels by smiling and appreciating the other person for simply being human in that moment together