1. The Province of Guavilá, located 120KM away from Colombia's capital city: Bogotá, is gifted with sugarcane plantations. Each plantation has a Trapiche (Panela Farm), which is the place where countrymen process the sugarcane to produce Panela.2. 'Los Trapicheros' are the ones in charge of putting the sugarcane through the 'Molino' to extract and separate the sugar juice from the whole cane.3. The sugar juice extracted from the sugarcane goes into hot stainless steel bowls through to be cooked. The laborer that moves the juice from bowl to bowl is called 'Puntero'. They do this in order to clean the sugar juice from all impurities.4. When the sugar juice changes its texture, density and color it gets moved from the cooking section to the molding station. Here is where The 'Gavereros' spread the dense liquid, called 'Melaza', over rectangular molds and then put them to dry in order to get the simple brick look that Panela has.Colombia is the main producer of Panela in Latin America, generating around 1.4 Millions of tons per year. Panela's benefits have tremendous influence over Colombia's society. Furthermore, Panela production is one of the most important economic activities of the Country's Andean Region.