Barangay Tolentino in one of Metro Manila’s City – Pasay City is where, during Holy Week. These group of flagellants are preparing for Good Friday events -- walking along the burning street, whipping their blood-soaked body under the warmth of summer sun. A “Namamanata” stops and spreads himself flat racing the ground, while being hit which resembles, Christ’s “Via Dolorosa”. From the start of their walk, there were assigned stations, a makeshift per se they need to pay respect – laid front facing the ground – towards the final church.Eddie Pablo, 64 year old, has been participating in this ritual for the last 4o years. He believe that his devotion leads to spiritual and physical healing. He covered his face with red mask. The covering of face is a way not to distract people’s attention on the identity of the person. More than a hundred of “Namamanata” paraded on the urban streets of Brgy.Tolentino in Pasay City. According to Eddie Pablo, number of participants is growing each year. Most of them are men of same clan which serves as family tradition. A cross carrier “Namamata” rested after hours of parading. He carried wooden cross weighing a ton, on the streets of Brgy.Tolentino.