Kamayurá’s Old Traditions

by Lucas Guerra (Brazil)



Adults dancing for the farewell ritual of the dead while a child watches from afar. Those who have not yet gone through the adult ritual cannot participate.
Adults dancing for the farewell ritual of the dead while a child watches from afar. Those who have not yet gone through the adult ritual cannot participate.
During ritual nights, men gather in the central square around the fire to warm themselves, smoke and discuss matters of importance to the tribe.
During ritual nights, men gather in the central square around the fire to warm themselves, smoke and discuss matters of importance to the tribe.
Before the big fishing for the festivals, the Kamayurás connect with nature to ask for permission and a good catch.
Before the big fishing for the festivals, the Kamayurás connect with nature to ask for permission and a good catch.
Bathing in the Ipavu Lake by the sunrise is an everyday ritual that is necessary to be strong and clean for the day that comes.
Bathing in the Ipavu Lake by the sunrise is an everyday ritual that is necessary to be strong and clean for the day that comes.
The paintings and adornments are part of the farewell ritual of the dead. Where with chants and symbolism, they repel the evil spirits.
The paintings and adornments are part of the farewell ritual of the dead. Where with chants and symbolism, they repel the evil spirits.