Kathulu Onesmas (24), one of 60.000 mineworkers expelled from their land in 2017. Soldiers arrived in armored vehicles and gave them two hours to leave behind their home and everything they owned. The security forces took control of their lucrative mines and the workers were forced to start over.The gold diggers of Mubende, Uganda had been working in their old mines since 2013 and it took years to dig deep enough to strike gold. When they finally managed, the security forces took over. About 300 workers have returned now and started digging new mines.Kathulu checks the pump he uses to remove ground water from the mine. The pit is more than 30 meters deep and secured only by logs driven between the walls. Climbing from log to log is the only way down. On average, one person loses their live every six weeks. In the processing plants, mercury is used to extract the gold from the ores, causing neurological and environmental damage. If it gets into the ground water, mercury can cause physical and mental disabilities in children. Some of the workers have organized and started to fight back.The workers founded an association and petitioned the government. This piece of land is now legally theirs to mine. But starting over means new investment and risk. In a depth of over 50 meters there is supposed to be gold here – they already dug deeper, but as of yet haven’t found anything.