Founded as a mining colony in 1879, the town of Chiatura has a unique cable car system that connects the center with the industrial facilities on the cliff tops. The cars have aged and rusted dramatically but regardless of the dangers, local travellers brave high-wire peril on a daily basis.Still utilising the same infrastructure installed originally in the 1950s, today around 17 separate aerial lift cable car systems still exist around the town. Some of the most interesting lines are just outside the city.Nearly all of the stations have deteriorated to ramshackle conditions, being kept up, conducted, and occasionally repaired by amateur engineers.During Soviet times, the extraction of manganese ore was a huge business. When the regime collapsed in 1991, a steep economic decline ensued, harshly impacting the industry. As of 2016, there were just over 3,000 workers in Chiatura’s seven mines and eight quarries.Sometimes Chiatura it is referred to as the “ghost town” since has been forgotten and abandoned by many of its inhabitants.