The community Shimbyu ceremony, from boyhood to monkhood. The joy of Burma.
Families arrive from all over the Burmese country to celebrate Shimbyu ceremonies.
In Myanmar is deemed the most important duty that parents owe to their son by letting him go forth and embrace the legacy of Gautama Buddha, join the sangha and become immersed in the teachings of the Buddhism.
The richest families donate money, gifts, rice, cows and horses to their local monastery when the boys go through the Shymbyu ceremony. It is very important to show the community how they appreciate their monastery importance and everybody is invited to participate.Boys that go through the Shimbyu ceremony as part of the Theravada Buddhism tradition seems happy and valorised in their community. Music is playing and people are dancing.
The celebrations marks the sāmaṇera, noviciate monastic ordination of boys under the age of 20 and happens all over Myanmar.It is a honour to host the ceremony in their house. This group was being celebrated with music playing alive with a small band. Food and drinks were served to all guests and the eldest was blessing the boys before they went to the monastery for one week of lessons and praying.Everybody from the community gets involved in the celebration. Some prepare the food, some get together to play their instruments and build a happy atmosphere. Alcoholics drinks and food are served to everybody and help to get all in the best mood.