If you're not satisfied with our service

For information relating to policies purchased prior to 27 June 2024, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For policies purchased from 27 June 2024, please see below.

As we've recently changed our insurer, please select the date you bought your policy:

For policies purchased on or after 27 June 2024

At World Nomads, we pride ourselves in providing the best service and the best product for our customers always. We’re here to help you and appreciate any feedback to help us improve on our product and service.

Complaints – where to start

World Nomads has a dedicated complaints team who can help with any concerns you may have in relation to our products and customer service. If you have questions or concerns about the administration of your policy or if you wish to make a complaint, you can do so at any time by referring the matter to:

Customer Relations

nib Travel Services Europe Limited
City Quarter, Lapps Quay
Cork, Ireland T12 Y3ET
Phone: +353 (0)21 237 8006
Email: customercareEU@worldnomads.com

If you have any questions or concerns about the policy wording, claims or emergency medical assistance service or if you wish to make a complaint, you can contact us on the below details:

Email: worldnomads.comp@collinsoninsurance.com

Any written correspondence should be headed ‘COMPLAINT’ and you should include copies of supporting material.

Quality Department Collinson Insurance Solutions Europe Limited

Sussex House, Perrymount Road

Haywards Heath, West Sussex

RH16 1DN, United Kingdom

Note:  World Nomads has an internal disputes resolution (IDR) process through which your complaint will be managed. For more information around specific timeframes related to the complaints process refer to your policy wording.

Still not happy?

Following the investigation of your complaint, we will respond within the time frames outlined in the policy wording for your country of residence. If you aren’t satisfied with the final response, you may contact the respective complaints authority in your country of residence as the next step in seeking resolution:


Ombudsman des Assurances
Square de Meeûs 35
1000 Brussels
BCE: 884.072.054

Tel: +32 (0) 2 547 58 71

Email: info@ombudsman.as

Website: ombudsman.as/fr 

Complaint form: https://www.ombudsman-insurance.be/fr/complaint/formulaire-de-plainte 


Danish Insurance Complaints Board
(Ankenævnet for Forsikring)
Østergade 18, 2.
1100 København K

Tel: +45 33 15 89 00

Email: ankeforsikring@ankeforsikring.dk

Website: ankeforsikring.dk 

Complaint form: https://ankeforsikring.dk/Sider/english.aspx


BaFin (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) 

Graurheindorfer Straße 108, D 

53117 Bonn 


Telephone: +49 (0)228 299 70 299 from overseas or 0800 2 100 500 (free of charge from Germany) 

Website: www.bafin.de  

Complaint page: https://www.bafin.de/EN/Verbraucher/BeschwerdenStreitschlichtung/BeiBaFinbeschweren/BeiBaFinbeschweren_node_en.html


Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (KIFID)
Postbus 93257
The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0)70-333 8 999

Email: consumenten@kifid.nl

Website: KIFID Complaints; or

When dealing with a financial service provider abroad, refer to:

KIFID Complaints - Financial service providers abroad

Complaint form: https://www.kifid.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Kifid-Klachtformulier-ENG-consument-1-april-2024.pdf

For policies purchased before 27 June 2024

At World Nomads, we pride ourselves in providing the best service and the best product for our customers always. We’re here to help you and appreciate any feedback to help us improve on our product and service.

Complaints – where to start

World Nomads has a dedicated complaints team who can help with any concerns you may have in relation to our products and customer service. If you have questions or concerns about the administration of your policy or if you wish to make a complaint, you can do so at any time by referring the matter to:

Customer Relations

nib Travel Services
PO Box 912
South Cork DSU
Cork, Ireland
Phone: +353 21 237 8006
Email: CustomerCareEU@worldnomads.com

If you have any questions or concerns about the policy wording, claims or emergency medical assistance service or if you wish to make a complaint, you can contact us on the below details:


Phone:+32 (0)2 808 66 32
Email: relation.clientele@axa-assistance.es 


Phone: +45 89 87 30 23
Email: relation.clientele@axa-assistance.es 

Phone: +49 (0)335 5622 3012


Phone: +31 (0)20 8080731
Email: relation.clientele@axa-assistance.es 

Note: World Nomads has an internal disputes resolution (IDR) process through which your complaint will be managed. For more information around specific timeframes related to the complaints process refer to your policy wording.

Still not happy?

Follow the investigation of your complaint, we will respond within the time frames outlined in the policy wording for your country of residence. If you aren’t satisfied with the final response, you may contact the respective complaints authority in your country of residence as the next step in seeking resolution:


Ombudsman des Assurances
Square de Meeûs 35
1000 Brussels
BCE: 884.072.054

Tel: +32 (0) 2 547 58 71

Email: info@ombudsman.as

Website: ombudsman.as/fr 


Danish Insurance Complaints Board
(Ankenævnet for Forsikring)
Østergade 18, 2.
1100 København K

Tel: +45 33 15 89 00

Email: ankeforsikring@ankeforsikring.dk

Website: ankeforsikring.dk 


Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
Insurance Supervision Division
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn

Tel: +49 (0)228 4108-0

Email: poststelle@bafin.de

Website: Filing a complaint with BaFin  


Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (KIFID)
P.O. box 93257
The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0)70-333 8 999

Email: consumenten@kifid.nl 

Website: KIFID Complaints; or

When dealing with a financial service provider abroad, refer to:

KIFID Complaints - Financial service providers abroad

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Contact us
  • All contact details
  • Emergency Assistance Contact
  • Claims contact

Contact our Emergency Medical Assistance Team

For help in an emergency, contact our Emergency Medical Assistance Team. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Contact us


For policies purchased on or after 27 June 2024:

+44 (0) 144 444 2015

+44 (0) 144 444 2017

+44 (0) 144 444 2018

+44 (0) 144 444 2019


For policies purchased before 27 June 2024:

+32 (0)2 808 66 32

+45 89 87 30 23

+49 (0)335 5622 3012

+31 (0)20 8080731


For policies purchased on or after 27 June 2024:



For policies purchased before 27 June 2024


Contact our Claims Team

We’re here to help if you have a question about your claim. We’re available

Contact us


For policies purchased on or after 27 June 2024:

+44 (0) 333 333 9621

+44 (0) 333 333 9619

+44 (0) 333 333 9618

+44 (0) 333 333 9617


For policies purchased before 27 June 2024

+32 (0)2 808 66 32

+45 89 87 30 23

+49 (0)335 5622 3012

+31 (0)20 8080731


For policies purchased on or after 27 June 2024:










For policies purchased before 27 June 2024:
